PVRs, and zombies, and soaps … oh my!

Pat Fule
Fule for Thought
I tried to watch “Coronation Street” recently. I really tried, but I felt like I was watching a video signal from another planet! Sorry, Molly…right now I’ll bet you’re saying, “bloody hell!”  
The show (believe it or not), takes place on a street, but most scenes, I guess, are in a pub. That in itself is confusing to me … I thought people in England drink tea … but no, these characters are constantly in a pub. It’s like Cheers, but instead of “Everybody knows your name”, it’s “Everybody knows your Life”!  
I even know of a pipefitter named Steve, who has to be home at the exact time the show is on! Hmmm … a pipefitter hooked on a “soap” … interesting. I guess he’s never heard of recording shows on a PVR?
In one series of episodes, a tram came off the track and crashed on Coronation Street! How horrible, it must have been frightening. You’d think people would feel safest in a hospital, shelter, or church, but no, these people stay in the pub!  
So … you can be drunk in a pub and survive a train crash on Coronation Street! Part of the charm of the show, I guess, is the way they talk. But I wonder if they even understand each other, I sure don’t. Imagine one character saying: “Cor Blimey”, and the others not having a clue what he meant!
Sometimes, people get so wrapped up in shows that they see similarities between characters and real people. I have a friend whose mother-in-law turned to the son-in-law, and said, “Bloody hell— here comes Onslo!”  
Now I have no idea who this “Onslo” is, but I think my friend has stopped wearing sleeveless t-shirts … which is actually safer for all concerned!
Debbie is hooked on “Young and Restless” at our house … she has weeks saved on the PVR. Actually, her dad has just gotten into using his new PVR. Yep … he had 137 episodes of “Wheel of Fortune” saved, even though he doesn’t even watch the show! It took a long time to delete them all!   
Whenever, I need some “me” time, I remind Debbie that she’s got LOTS of  “Y&R” episodes on the PVR  to catch up on! Now, if I was smart like Fred Flintstone, I would slip off to “Joe Rockhead’s for a beverage!     
In “Young and Restless”, everyone’s been married to everyone else … you need a scorecard to keep track. But NEVER ask your wife what’s going on DURING the show … it’s not pretty. I got hooked on a Zombie show called “The Walking Dead.” 
It’s like a soap opera, but zombies chase the main characters to try and eat them!  Combining zombies and Young and Restless might be a cool idea. A Zombie Jack Abott may attack Victor, and rip off his face! A Zombie Billy might also have to be shot, to stop hurting Victoria! Wow, I just realized how pathetic I sound, knowing WHO these characters are.
“Fule for Thought” is a slice of life humourous column that will appear in the Strathmore Times, written by long-time resident, town councillor, high school teacher, coach, husband and father of two – Pat Fule. If you would like to get in touch with Pat, you can send him an e-mail at Pat.fule@shaw.ca.