Reservoir design almost complete

Shannon LeClair
Times Reporter
The preliminary design for the new Wildflower reservoir is complete, and if all goes according to plan construction could begin as early as April.
Joseph White, mechanical engineer with Associated Engineering and Chuck Renkas, project coordinator for Strathmore, were at the open house on Jan. 5 to answer resident questions.
“The main body of the reservoir is going to be underground, and the pump station will have architectural finishes that will help it blend in with the local environment,” said Renkas.
“So it’s not going to be a concrete block sticking out of the ground, we’re hoping it will be a very attractive building.”
The design includes trees, benches, a pathway and even bike racks above the reservoir, allowing it to be an additional green space, while providing an essential service.
Without the new reservoir, which is expected to be around the $10 million mark for the construction phase, the town does not have adequate water supply in case of an emergency, or a break in the line.
Without the new tank future development in the town will be stalled.
“This is to supplement and it helps us take the next step towards development as well, additional development. We’re kind of between a rock and a hard place, fire underwriters are saying that in order for you to develop more we need to increase our fire storage, so this is part of that plan,” said Renkas.
“It takes us from 8.6 megalitres that we currently have now and it will increase it by 11.5, so it will get us to almost 20 megalitres.”
The detailed design for the reservoir will be put forth to council later this month for approval, and if approved, construction contract tenders take place in February according to Renkas. The hope is to begin construction in April or May of this year, with completion to be in December.