Coal policy

By Leela Sharon Aheer Chestermere-Strathmore MLA

I wanted to chat about the world of coal policy here in Alberta. I know that with everything else going on, you do not need the stress of thinking that our beautiful and pristine mountains are going to be strip mined. I want to clarify the process and I want to thank our incredible Minister of Energy, Sonja Savage, for providing this clarity, and instead of filling the beautiful people of this province with fear, she handles things with class, grace and the truth. Here is her statement:

“We have listened carefully to the concerns raised in recent days, and thank those who spoke up with passion.

“As a result, we will pause future coal lease sales in former Category 2 lands. The coal leases from the December 2020 auction will be cancelled.

“I want to be absolutely clear: Under the current terms, just as it was under the 1976 coal policy, coal leases do not allow for exploration, development or production without a comprehensive regulatory review. A lease holder has no more right to set foot on lease property than any other Albertan. The same rules apply now, as before.

“This pause will provide our government with the opportunity to ensure that the interests of Albertans, as owners of mineral resources, are protected.

“Coal development remains an important part of the western Canadian economy, especially in rural communities, but we are committed to demonstrating that it will only be developed responsibly under Alberta’s modern regulatory standards and processes.

“This decision has no impact on existing coal projects currently under regulatory review.”

1. Only projects that are deemed safe, responsible, worthwhile, and in the public interest will be permitted to move forward. A project proponent needs to prove that this is the case through public consultation and other regulatory processes.

2. This is part of the Alberta government’s commitment to responsibly develop our natural resources.

3. Any project that moves forward must consider environmental, landowner and social impacts.

Leases are basically a stake in the ground that allows the proponent to move on with the process of coal development. The original coal policy that you keep hearing about from 1976 has been altered and changed many times over the years as our knowledge of environmental protocols, technology and processes have improved significantly as have the requirements for consultation and applications. The proponent of the lease can not even set foot on the leased area, and furthermore, must then make applications to the AER, and get approvals from all levels of government – municipal, provincial and federal – before exploration can even be thought of. These leases trigger all the protocols to protect special areas, robust consultation and environmental stewardship. The Grassy project started in 2013 after years of applications and continues to wait for approvals from the federal government. The regulator process is good and rigorous. The existing leases to mine for metallurgic coal, which makes steel, were drawn up under previous governments with the same rigorous protocols. Our province has had to follow the same protocols and regulations for oil and gas, and as you know we are never acknowledged for our resource stewardship outside of our province. Our environmental and social governance in this province is top notch, and these areas that are sensitive are protected under categories 1 and 2 of the coal policy. 1 means it cannot be developed, and 2 means that only limited exploration is permitted with strict control. That is from the original policy in 1976. These blanket rules have been replaced with strong legislation and a regulatory process that is rigorous. We all want to protect this stunning part of our Alberta landscape. We all want to breathe clean air, have clean water and air, and to be able to enjoy this beautiful and pristine province. We are the best in the world when it comes to resource stewardship, and we should never forget that. I know this is an important issue for Albertans, and I strongly encourage you to visit for more information.

I want to address some of the concerns about the ATRF (Alberta Teachers Retirement Fund). I want to thank our teachers, assistants, superintendents, trustees, parents and students for the incredible alterations they have made to their lives to continue educating and keeping some normalcy in our children’s lives. I want to be clear: when the teacher’s pensions succeed, all Albertans succeed. We, as your government, are committed to the success of all Alberta’s pensions. The investment management agreement between AIMCo and the ATRF was required by June 30, 2020 and has been extended twice. No further extension was sought after that, and even the ATRF folks say on their website that the ministerial order will not impact members’ benefits. Remember, every Albertan is responsible for our teacher’s pensions, as they are defined benefits that are backstopped by the province. Let’s hope that both parties can agree in the best interest of teachers and all of us as soon as possible. Then the ministerial order will no longer be needed. 

Finally, a couple of shout outs to some of our locals. Nina Cubrillo took her talented daughters out on the road where they played their violins throughout Chestermere, outside in people’s driveways, socially distanced and following all protocols. They brought so much joy to the community, especially to our seniors. Then, with their busking cash, they bought blankets and treats, and donated them to those in need. Congratulations to Sienna and Charlise for their incredible kindness and generosity. In Strathmore, Brenda-le Graff, the Village Voices director, did a virtual sing-along inside of Wheatland Lodge, bringing joy and love to our wonderful seniors. What an amazing lady! Finally, Lisa Danielle did an amazing video on Facebook talking about an important lesson for her son. She explained to her son that even though you don’t agree with someone or their words, you can still be their friend. She said that his brother (who his friends thought was weird) thinks differently. She then explained that the world needs people who think differently, and that this was his superpower! For those of us who are blessed to know Lisa, we are not surprised by her wisdom. Thank you for sharing it with all of us! 

As always, I love to hear from you.

(Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women and Minister of Culture and Multiculturalism)