Staying safe

By Leela Sharon Aheer Chestermere-Strathmore MLA

As I write this article, I would like to send my love and condolences to those who have lost loved ones, and to our frontline workers, ICU doctors and nurses and everyone who is working hard to keep us safe. We are heading into some very difficult days with COVID numbers increasing. We are trying as a province to turn these numbers around, and it will take all of us. I know it has been difficult to stay away from family and friends, especially during the Christmas season of giving. I have not seen my parents for eight weeks, or my niece and nephew who live on the same street. We have not been able to do so many things that we may have previously taken for granted, and it is going to be tough these next few weeks. We are hoping to see the COVID vaccination roll out for our most vulnerable and our frontline workers in January. This is exciting news, as the vaccine should be distributed to over 430,000 folks in the first phase.

A smooth and rapid vaccine distribution will not only be essential to our economic recovery, but it will also be a matter of life or death for many Albertans. I am honoured to know and work with Paul Wynnyk, Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs who will be leading the provincial COVID task force. Lieutenant General Wynnyk is a former officer in the Canadian Army and was a commander of the Canadian Army until 2018. In his current role with Municipal Affairs, Wynnyk successfully spearheaded the provincial operations centre’s effort to procure and distribute masks, gowns, gloves and face shields amid a global rush for personal protective equipment. We are so blessed to have his steady hand at the helm of this task force. 

During this holiday season, I encourage you to shop local and shop safe. Small and local businesses are economic engines that employ millions of people in Alberta. Many of the restaurants are doing delivery and curbside pick up. Local hot spots like Van Son, Delhi Express and White Elephant in Chestermere are doing some really fun contests to win gift certificates to the restaurants, and Van Son is helping those in need, which just warms my heart. We spent the weekend supporting local businesses all over the riding and spent time at the Christmas market in Indus meeting wonderful families and buying everything from honey to Christmas decorations. 

I would like to give a huge shout out to the Unger family in Indus for the beautiful Christmas decorations they made and donating the proceeds to the Mustard Seed. 

Chestermere-Strathmore, we can get through this. We will be successful if we do this all together. We need to take care of each other and at this time of love, the season of giving, the best gift will be the sacrifice you make to stay home, and that selfless act will help us to turn these numbers around. 

As always we love to hear from you.

(Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women and Minister of Culture and Multiculturalism)