Wheatland County celebrates 65 years

By Janet Kanters, Editor

This year, Wheatland County celebrates its 65th year as a municipal district, and the Strathmore Times recognizes this milestone.

On Jan. 1, 1955, Improvement District No. 41, part of Improvement District No. 42, part of the Municipal Districts of Bow Valley No. 40, Serviceberry No. 43, and Kneehill No. 48, were merged into one new municipal district to be known as the Municipal District of Wheatland No. 40 for the first time.

The Municipal District of Wheatland No. 40 and the Wheatland School Division No. 40 joined together on Jan. 1, 1961 and became known as the County of Wheatland No. 16. It was at this time the seven electoral divisions were also formed.

On March 6, 1996, the name was changed from the County of Wheatland No. 16 to Wheatland County, as it’s known today.

As the name suggests, Wheatland County’s largest industry has always been agriculture. Beef and grain production make up the largest agricultural activity with many other agri-businesses emerging, such as agri-tourism and seed cleaning. In addition to agriculture, construction and mineral extraction also contribute largely to the local economy.

Join us in celebrating Wheatland County!