Business relaunch website available

By Janet Kanters, Editor

To support businesses reopening during stage one of Alberta’s phased relaunch, the Alberta government is launching a new resource to ensure staff and customers stay safe.

The new webpage will provide business owners with information on health and safety guidelines for general workplaces and sector-specific guidelines for those able to open in stage one of the province’s relaunch plan.

The website will include a red tape reduction submission form so business owners can share their ideas on modernizing regulations and reducing red tape, especially as they respond to COVID-19.

“We know that Alberta businesses are dealing with a whole new reality because of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Grant Hunter, associate minister of Red Tape Reduction, in a news release. “We want business owners to continue to let us know how we can help make their lives easier so we can reduce unneeded regulatory barriers to their success and get Albertans back to work.”

The website includes guidance documents for sectors currently allowed to operate under public health orders, which include disability service providers, farmers markets, golf course operators, health non-essential services, health sector PPE guidelines, homeless shelters, industrial work camps and private/municipal campgrounds.

As well, planning documents to prepare businesses for stage one relaunch are posted for day camps, daycare and out-of-school care, hair salons and barbershops, museums and art galleries, outdoor recreation, places of worship, restaurants and retail.