Preventing the spread of coronavirus

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By Leela Sharon Aheer Chestermere-Strathmore MLA

Hello Chestermere-Strathmore readers! This week I think it is really important to chat about the coronavirus (COVID-19). Coronavirus has been identified in Alberta. For the latest updates and to answer any questions regarding coronavirus please go to or call Healthlink at 811. Information is updated on an hourly basis.
Washing your hands in hot water with soap is the best medicine, and refrain from touching your mouth, nose and eyes as much as possible. Sounds easy doesn’t it, but we know it is not. Hand sanitizer is good if you have no access to water and soap, but it is just a short-term solution. The best thing that I heard was to wash your hands as though you just chopped a bunch of jalapenos and you have to put contact lenses in. Cover your mouth with your elbow when you cough or sneeze, and wash your hands immediately. Wash your hands and keep your distance from people (this coming from someone who hugs everyone). If you are looking for information on symptoms, the best place to check is at where there is a dedicated and up-to-date page for coronavirus information.
We are monitoring this very carefully and working across Canada with our provincial and federal partners to understand potential health risks, but our personal ability to mitigate our surroundings and how we interact will be the most substantive action we can take. We will update self-isolation and self-monitoring recommendations especially for those returning from holidays.
Alberta Health has sent a memo to schools and superintendents, and to parents to update them on how to keep our kids healthy. Let’s make sure that we prepare together as communities and in our families by chatting regularly with our kids about washing their hands, and how to work with those in our family who may be at risk, such as our seniors. Make sure that anyone who requires medication has what they need, or that it can be delivered if you are self-isolating.
Practicing regular preventative actions is the best way to minimize risk of infection. I would like to acknowledge the incredible work of all of our health professionals responsible for identifying and treating this threat. It can’t be said enough, wash your hands, follow the recommendations on, and let’s work together to keep ourselves and each other safe. As always, we love to hear from you.
(Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chestermere-Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women and Minister of Culture and Multiculturalism)