Shopping Bus needs a boost in awareness and ridership

By Christine Foshaug Times Contributor

If you’ve never heard of The Shopping Bus, you’re not alone.
The Shopping Bus, operated by the Wheatland Seniors Transportation Society (WSTS), used to make weekly trips to various malls in Calgary. The service was a popular way for seniors in Strathmore and Wheatland County to enjoy shopping excursions in the city, running at its 48-seat capacity with a wait list.
Now it goes just once a month, with an average of just 20 passengers.
“We seem to be the best kept secret around,” said Corinne Drydale, WSTS secretary. Despite word-of-mouth recommendations, putting up posters, and advertising in print and online, ridership continues to decline.
“People, especially in Strathmore, still say they have never heard of the service,” said Drydale. “People in Rockyford and Standard are much more aware of the service, just choose not to use it.”
The Shopping Bus began in the 1970s, the inspiration of Pete Ludwig, owner of a private charter bus. In 1980 it became The Wheatland Seniors Transportation. Since 2013 it’s been a society, run strictly by volunteers.
“The bus allows seniors to retain their independence and their self-esteem longer by providing them with a means to go to appointments in the city, visit with relatives or friends, and to shop without having to rely on friends or family to drive them to the city,” said Drydale.
The society hopes to come up with new ways to make more seniors aware of the important service they provide. The first thing is to find some new board members, which would involve a minimal commitment of attending two or three meetings a year.
“At this time, we are short one board member,” explained Drydale. “Some have been on the board for a number of years and would like to have someone new take their place with new ideas and renewed energy.”
Starting in January, they’ll be using promotional passes. After a certain number of bus trips, the next one will be free. The round-trip cost for The Shopping Bus is $25, which covers about half of the charter bus fee. The rest is subsidized by grants and donations. Trips are scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month (except for December, which has two trips), with Standard and Rockyford pickups at the seniors’ centres and the Strathmore pickup at the Wheatland Hotel. The bus can accommodate walkers but not wheelchairs.
For more information on The Shopping Bus or becoming a board member, you can call Ruth at 403-934-3106 or Corinne at 403-934-0015.