Library awarded Community Adult Learning Program grant

By Strathmore Municipal Library News Release

The Strathmore Municipal Library has received the annual $100,000 Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) project-based grant from the Government of Alberta for a two-year period, with the opportunity for renewal.
CALPs are grassroots community-based organizations funded by Alberta Advanced Education to provide, promote and increase access to foundational learning opportunities in areas such as adult literacy, numeracy, English language learning, basic digital skills and foundational life skills.
As this grant is project-based, the funding provided will be used solely to implement foundational learning opportunities in the community. The grant is not available to fund basic essential library service. The library appreciates the ongoing financial support they receive for library service from the Town of Strathmore, Wheatland County and the Government of Alberta.
The library has hired a full-time literacy services coordinator who will plan and implement the CALP initiative through a literacy services strategy. In addition, we have created another in-house full-time position to support the success of our initiative.
In the coming months, the Strathmore Municipal Library will be performing a comprehensive community needs assessment to determine which learning opportunities are most needed in our community. This needs assessment will include the general public and our many partner organizations throughout Strathmore and Wheatland County. Our goal is to begin running CALP courses and tutoring in early 2020.
In addition to this exciting new endeavour for the library, we will also continue to provide our excellent programs and services to community members of all ages.
For more information about the Strathmore Municipal Library’s new CALP initiative, please contact Miranda Johnson, director of library services by email at, or by phone at 403-934-5440.