Fire Prevention Week in Alberta

By Lauren McGougan Strathmore Fire Department Communication Specialist

Alberta’s Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 6-12. Strathmore Fire Department would like to take this week to remind everyone of important safety information.
In order to reduce the risk of fire, follow these tips:
• Cooking: Always stay in the kitchen, or have someone watch for you, when you are cooking.
• Heating equipment: Give your space heaters space and be sure to unplug them when you leave the house or when you are not using them.
• Electrical: Don’t overload sockets. Check for faulty wiring regularly and always unplug small appliances when you are not using them.
• Smoking: Cigarettes or other materials not properly extinguished can smoulder undetected for days before bursting into flames. Make sure to extinguish them.
• Candles: Blow out all candles before you leave a room or go to bed. Never leave candles unattended.
It is also important to recognize that smoke alarms save lives.
• Ensure you have working alarms on every level of your home.
• Install alarms within five metres of every bedroom.
• Test your alarm each month.
• Replace your smoke alarm if it’s more than 10 years old.
It is also very important to plan and test escape routes out of your home in case of fire. You and other members of your household should have a fire escape plan with two ways out of every room, and a path that leads to the outside of your home or building. Be sure to have a meeting place in your plan where everyone should gather.
Once you are safely out of your home, call 911 or your local community fire department. Ensure all capable members of your household are also able to dial 911 and know when to do so.
Strathmore Fire Department would like to take this week to remind everyone that fire safety should be a year-round priority. Please visit ( for more information.