Square dancing gets a face lift

By Wheatland Whirlers Square Dance Club

Most people associate square dancing with a hoedown in the barn, old people, fiddle music and women wearing big puffy dresses.
“Not true,” said Dave Littlefair, local square dance instructor and caller. “Today’s square dancing is for all ages. We dance to anything that has a strong beat. It could be rock, pop, salsa, classical, techno, country, blues – you name it, we’ve probably danced to it.”
The music is not the only thing that has changed. Dress has, too, with most people choosing casual dress over the traditional costume. The most often heard comment, though, is “I had no idea that it would be this much fun!”
Last year Rene Owen’s sister gave her free square dance lessons as a birthday gift. She tried it out, loved it and has been hooked ever since.
“I used to think square dancing was just so square. I’d laughed at them,” said Owen. “Now I’m in 100 per cent. It is just so much fun. I look forward to every opportunity to dance.”
Littlefair explained that the type of square dancing taught is called modern western square dance (MWSD) which evolved from the simpler form of traditional square dancing. In MWSD, dancers are taught a series of 67 dance steps known as calls. These calls can be “walked” to the beat of the music, and unlike ballroom dancing, there’s no fancy footwork or lead/follow partner. It’s the caller’s job to create the dance by putting these calls together in whatever order he or she chooses. It’s the dancers’ job to carry out the calls successfully as a team, in groups of eight dancers.
“Invariably, calls are missed or done incorrectly,” said Littlefair, “which results in a lot of laughter as the team tries to find the fastest way to get back in position, ready for the next call. Because we need to work together as a group, it’s easy to meet and get to know each other. By the end of the evening, you’ve usually danced with everyone in the room.”
Wheatland Whirlers Square Dance Club held its two free Dance and Dessert nights on Sept. 18 and 25. People from every age experienced the fun and enjoyed the challenge of today’s square dancing.
Want to try it out? Singles or couples are welcome to join any Wednesday at 7 p.m., during the dance season, October to April at Westmount School gym. Cost is $6 per person per session and the first time is free. Dress is casual and it’s important to wear comfortable indoor shoes.
For more information visit www.strathmoresquaredance.com or email claudia@strathmoresquaredance.com.