CERB project funding discussed

By Sharon McLeay Times Contributor

Wheatland County’s Community Enhancement Regional Board (CERB) asked for direction and approval from Wheatland County council on several community projects.
The CERB fund was developed in 2012, to assist qualifying non-profit organizations with operations and services financial aid.
“Annually the CERB board meets to review, evaluate, prioritize and decide the distribution of funding set aside in the community enhancement reserve,” said CERB chair, Marcy Field.
In the last seven years, the board has distributed $3,227,455.09 to community projects on behalf of Wheatland County.
This year 58 applications were reviewed, and the board recommended council fund 49 projects. Nine applications were declined (the complete list of disbursements can be viewed under the Wheatland County April 16 agenda, Page 119-120).
Field said this year the board worked on upgrading some of the application forms and simplifying the application process.
There was a motion approved that an $8,000 request by the Strathmore and Wheatland County Handi-Bus be removed from the list of approved applicants. Councillor Jason Wilson sits on the Strathmore and Wheatland County Handi-Bus Society board and he stated they have a large reserve of funds this year.
There were a few particular requests that needed council direction, because they were projects located on county land.
Carseland community wanted outdoor lighting for their outdoor rink. Carseland Lions were looking for a community sign, Rosebud was looking to beautify their hamlet and Speargrass is looking for a community fire pit, gathering space and metal flags.
There was some clarification asked for by councillors regarding the different community funding pathways.
“This is all on our land and it is affecting our ratepayers … we are expecting our ratepayers to come hat in hand to get something,” said Councillor Tom Ikert. “Our hamlets should not have to do the same thing that everybody else does.”
He suggested that at a later date a policy discussion take place regarding funding received for ratepayer’s projects within the county versus the policies for municipal groups in the county.
Councillor Ben Armstrong said the clubs and groups within those municipalities are applying, not the municipality itself.
Council approved the recommendations.