Developing a master plan

By Sharon McLeay Times Contributor

Wheatland County council agreed on April 16 that staff develop the Open Space, Recreational and Culture Master Plan.
In 2015, a needs assessment was done by consulting stakeholders. It will be used as a foundation for the new master plan. The plan will develop a strategic guide that can be used for council deliberations from 2019-2029.
Councillor Scott Klassen asked if the plan could be developed internally by Wheatland County. “My thoughts are that there are groups out there looking at this. I think we should start small and build up,” he noted.
Staff said the plan could be developed internally, but it would probably take longer to achieve a final plan.
Councillor Jason Wilson wanted a comparison of what could be done by a tendered company versus an in-house developed document.
Council requested staff bring information back at a later date.

Fire business
Phil Faubion and Malcom McKinnon were accepted as additional fire guardians, by county council on April 16. The fire board bylaw passed third reading by council also on April 16. The plan is to appoint two public members to the fire board within 30 days, so the board can have a full roster and begin meetings.

Allowing tri-drive trucks and trailers in county
In 2003, provincial regulation was given for tri-drive trucks on Alberta roads, hauling up to a weight limit of 21,000 kilograms (kg). Wheatland County adopted that guideline. The province has been permitting tri-drives to haul up to 23,000 kg.
County staff felt the bylaw should be adjusted to allow permitted tri-drive truck and trailers on county roads with the heavier loads. This lets trucks haul more in fewer trips.
“We been discovering that many ratepayers, and the industry, in our area and outside the area are purchasing these,” said Kris Permann, Wheatland County peace officer. “We are looking for consistency and to assist our ratepayers.”
The Wheatland County tri-drive truck bylaw and specifications can be viewed under the Wheatland County Apr. 16 agenda, starting at Page 78-85.