STEP program back for 2019

By Janet Kanters Times Editor

Applications for the provincial government’s Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP) are now being accepted online.
STEP is a four- to 16-week wage subsidy program that provides funding to employers to hire high school or post-secondary students for summer jobs from May to August. Employers are offered a $7-per-hour subsidy for a maximum of 37.5 hours per week.
In 2018, STEP helped almost 1,400 employers hire 3,050 students for summer positions.
The program is available to small businesses, non-profit organizations, public libraries, school boards, publicly funded post-secondary institutions, municipalities, First Nations and Metis settlements.
New this year, applications are being accepted online only to streamline the process. Applications must be submitted before the Feb. 8, 2019 deadline. Additional information and application forms are available online at