Town passes municipal policing committee bylaw

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Town of Strathmore Council voted to pass the Municipal Policing Committee Bylaw, 25-05, during the Feb. 19 regular meeting immediately following its presentation.

The bylaw was originally brought before the Committee of the Whole during the Feb. 12 meeting, in order to introduce it and receive feedback from council members.

A correspondence from the office of Minister Mike Ellis indicated legislative requirements to the Police Act had changed. Alberta Municipalities are required to form a regional policing committee or a municipal policing committee or commission.

To facilitate this, a mandate was established that a corresponding municipal policing committee bylaw was to be passed by or before March 1. The Feb. 19 regular meeting of Strathmore’s town council was the last opportunity to review such a bylaw, barring the scheduling of a special council meeting.

During his presentation of the bylaw to council, Mark Pretzlaff, director of community and protective services, explained based on feedback from council during the committee of the whole meeting, a Section 3.2 was added to the drafted bylaw which establishes that a Community Safety Plan will be approved by council on an annual basis.

“There is a change to 9.7 to talk about how there will be annual reports and quarterly minutes circulated to council,” said Pretzlaff.

Coun. Jason Montgomery motioned for council to give first and second reading to Bylaw 25-05, which was approved unanimously.

“I think this is going to be a really good thing for all communities, I am just really particularly pleased with it, it basically gives residents and council a chance to better liaise with the RCMP,” added Coun. Brent Wiley.

The Police Amendment Act, enacted December 2022, takes effect as of March 1. The required establishment of a municipal policing committee or regional policing committee is based on a given municipality’s population.

These committees are established to enhance transparency, accountability, and community engagement in policing services, as well as to ensure RCMP services align with community priorities.

Administration indicated in the town’s public meeting agenda for Feb. 19, as this is a new committee to Strathmore, the overall implications are not known at this time.

Council participation on the board is required, and administrative support will be provided to ensure all requirements pertaining to establishment and ongoing operations are fulfilled. 

Costs associated with establishing the committee and training appointed personnel is estimated to be approximately $10,000.

Wiley motioned for council to give unanimous consent to hold third and final reading, which was immediately followed by Coun. Melissa Langmaid motioning to give third and final reading. These motions were both approved unanimously.

Administration will be commencing the recruitment of Strathmore residents to apply to become members of the committee now that the bylaw has been passed. In addition to council participation, some members will also be appointed to sit on the committee.