Strathmore Legion recognizes, awards students
By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

John Watson Photo
The Strathmore Legion hosted an awards ceremony, Jan. 25, for students who participated in their annual youth remembrance program.
Students who were to be awarded for their entries were invited to the ceremony at the Legion building. Any student who placed first in their respective entry category will have their work continue forward to a similar competition, which evaluates entries from across the province.
“All the students in various schools in the Wheatland County area participated this year. We have some as far as Langdon and Wintering Hills – they all participated in the poster and literary contest,” said Anna Haines, poppy chair for the Strathmore Legion. “If a student moves forward, they have the potential to go up to the national level. If they win at the national level, their posters and essays will be at Parliament Hill during the Week of Remembrance.”
The youth remembrance program typically begins in October, when contest information is distributed to local schools within the region.
Subsequent deadlines for students to submit their work typically fall in early December, prior to students being dismissed for their winter breaks. Evaluations at the local, then provincial levels take place in January and February.
Participation incentives include monetary prizes for students who are awarded first, second, and third place. Entries, divided into posters, essays, and poems at each respective age category, are judged at the Legion by veterans and members.
Subject matter of entries from student submissions is to depict their understanding of remembrance, and what it means to them.
Haines explained each year, the number of students who choose to participate in the program continues to steadily grow.
“Three or four years ago, we had a teacher participate from Wintering Hills Colony, which was a new thing for us, and this year we had a teacher reach out to us from Langdon … and they have been participating,” she said. “We are very pleased to see that they are putting remembrance in part of their curriculum in the fall, and it is not just about having a Remembrance Day ceremony, it is thinking about it beforehand.”
A total of 25 students ranging from Grades 1-12 were recognized this year during the ceremony, and were presented with their prizes.
From among these, 10 first prize winners are being forwarded on for Alberta/Northwest Territories Provincial Command judging.
Haines added at least two winners from the Wheatland County region have on previous occasions proceeded to be recognized at the national level of the program.