County approves land use bylaw amendment

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Wheatland County council hosted a public hearing for and voted on Bylaw 2024-37, being a bylaw to redesignate a section of land from Agriculture General District to Country Residential District. 

The discussion took place during the March 4, regular meeting of council. The application to redesignate the subject lands proposed to create an approximately 1.21-hectare parcel, with a 1.83-hectare remainder. 

Subject lands are located 10 km south of the Village of Standard, 1.75 km south of the Highway 561 and Range Road 222 intersection. 

Land use in the immediate area is predominately agricultural, with established residential developments immediately to the north and southwest. Other nearby uses include a commercial greenhouse, Wheatland Crossing School, and the Village of Rockyford’s bulk water fill station.

As the proposed lot is currently undeveloped, no servicing infrastructure is currently in place. Future servicing is proposed by way of a private well and sewage treatment system.

Being evaluated against the Agricultural Policies of the Municipal Development Plan, the proposal does not exceed the 20-acre maximum non-agricultural area of the quarter section, and will not result in more than five parcels within the quarter section.

The applicant, Jessica Beingessner, spoke before council, clarifying that the parcel is currently her father’s land, and the family maintains a desire to develop residence on the plot.

A letter read into the record of the public hearing during the council meeting suggested no direct concerns from the writing constituent regarding development; however, it was pointed out to the county, the proposed plan for access to the road on the parcel did not suggest safe entry and would be wise to examine prior to granting the subdivision approval.

“We did review where the approaches are currently situated, the county’s transportation manager also had a look and noted that they will require upgrades, but generally there were no safety concerns with its current location,” said Taylor Felt, planner with Wheatland County administration, who presented the application before council. 

No members of the public opted to speak in favour, nor in opposition to the redesignation during the public hearing when given the opportunity to do so. 

Coun. Donna Biggar motioned that council approve first reading of the bylaw to redesignate the subject lands. The motion was carried unanimously by council without questions, further discussion or debate. 

This was followed by second reading, motioned for by Coun. Tom Ikert, permission to hold third and final reading by Biggar, and third reading by Ikert. Similarly, each motion was passed unanimously by council.