Wheatland Housing Management Body reports a successful operational review

By WHMB Release

Wheatland Housing Management Body recently underwent a routine operational review. Operational reviews give management bodies an opportunity to review and discuss operations and administration of the management body. 

Among other intents, the operational review determines whether management bodies are operating within the requirements of the act and regulations and other relevant legislation. The review was completed by Housing Advisors from the Government of Alberta.  

Chairperson Glenn Koester states, “We are proud of the finding from the operational review. Our governance structures have been recognized as aligned with industry practices, ensuring clear accountability and effective decision-making. They validate our efforts to enhance our operational practices and demonstrate our commitment to ethical business conduct. We will continue to build on this foundation as we grow and evolve.” 

Moving forward, Wheatland Housing Management Body will implement the report’s recommendations to further strengthen its practices. The organization remains dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence and integrity as it navigates future challenges and opportunities. 

With a strong foundation in place, Wheatland Housing Management Body is optimistic about its future projects. Our dedicated team and residents are at the heart of our success.