Town updates support for new Wheatland Lodge

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Town of Strathmore council has authorized the mayor to sign a letter of support to the Wheatland Housing Management Body (WHMB) regarding the ongoing new Wheatland Lodge project. 

The letter of support was discussed in council during the July 3 regular meeting. Voting to authorize the signing of the letter resulted in passing 5-2 in favour, with Coun. Jason Montgomery and Coun. Brent Wiley in opposition.

Support for the ongoing Wheatland Lodge project by the Town of Strathmore has been indicated in the past, with the land on which the building will be located having been donated, as well as a previous letter of support having been written. 

The town has also made prior financial commitments to the WHMB, for which they will contribute to the building. 

Indicated in council’s public meeting agenda, it was recommended that council rescind Resolution No. 085.04.23 and amend Resolution No. 071.04.24 to delete ‘AND THAT the design work payment is contingent on all Wheatland Housing Management Body funding partners also authorizing payment for their proportionate share of the design work.’

“Recently, the Wheatland Housing (Management Body) has requested a new letter of support from the town, so in response to that and in response to ongoing development of the project, the report is to address that letter of support,” said Town of Strathmore CAO, Kevin Scoble. “It is formalizing some of the commitments council has made in the past and it is also reflecting evolution of the project.”

Scoble added Town of Strathmore council has consistently shown commitment to the development of the new Wheatland Lodge, including the donation of the subject lands east of Kinsmen Park, valued at approximately $1.4 million. 

A capital cash requisition from the town has also seen support up to, but not exceeding $566,625 for the project, accepting for any fluctuation in the market evaluation of the property. Independent of this are a cost sharing formula contribution, a Phase 2 remedial site assessment, and the preparation of a remedial action plan for $59,950 also completed in advance of construction.

Real time cost estimates of the facility, including an 11 per cent contingency estimate, noted to be well within industry standard best practices, budgets the total cost at approximately $6 million.

Concerns were raised in council regarding the elimination of a contingency written into the previous letter of support which saw Strathmore’s support of the project financially be contingent upon it also receiving support from other surrounding and participating municipalities. 

It was clarified that Strathmore is among the last outstanding municipalities to indicate their updated support for the project.

The full debate regarding the letter is available for public viewing via the town public meeting minutes from the July 3 meeting posted to their YouTube channel. 

Background information surrounding the project and a summary of the Town’s support is also available to the public via their meeting agenda, through the Town’s website.