Town reviews citizen satisfaction survey

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Town of Strathmore council discussed the 2024 citizen satisfaction survey during the Oct. 16 regular meeting, which had followed a similar method to the 2021 and 2022 surveys. 

A third-party contractor, Framework Analytics Inc. (Framework) conducted the 2021 and 2022 surveys respectively. 

During council’s 2023 budget deliberations, it had been decided that citizen satisfaction surveys would be conducted every second year instead of annually. 

A budget of $14,000 is set aside by the Town of Strathmore to conduct the citizen satisfaction survey every second year.

The 2024 survey utilized the same methodology as the previous two surveys in order to maintain a viable comparison. 

A total of 3,496 residents were invited to participate in the survey, and a public link was shared with residents who did not receive an invitation. It was indicated the survey response rate was 43 per cent, being 1,491 respondents.

The objectives of citizen satisfaction surveys are severalfold, including to gauge satisfaction with municipal services, perception of community and municipal government performance, top of mind local issues, quality of life, and resident needs and priorities, among others. 

Responses to the survey were gathered between Aug. 7, and Sept. 6, with all responses to the survey being accounted for, including such surveys which were abandoned prior to their completion. 

Of the 1,491 respondents, 1,144 surveys were seen through to completion, with the rest being abandoned prior to finishing. 

The survey was made available online during its duration in order to give all interested town residents an equal opportunity to participate. 

Results indicated those who were between 20 and 29 years of age responded noticeably less than older residents in town.

From 2022 to 2024, a five per cent drop in satisfaction in quality of life was indicated by responding residents. This was represented by a drop from 84 per cent, to 79 per cent. 

Similar municipalities across the country experienced in the realm of 10 per cent drops to quality-of-life satisfaction during the same time period.

Satisfaction levels indicated by Strathmore’s youngest, and Strathmore’s oldest generations were noted to be highest, while young adults to those in their middle ages indicated lower levels of satisfaction and happiness. 

Smaller households have indicated lower drops in quality of life versus larger households. Additionally, those who own their homes indicated less of a drop than those who rent. 

The full details of the survey are available publicly through the town’s meeting agenda and on their YouTube channel. Council accepted the results of the survey as information.