Town responds to letter from county requesting apology

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Town of Strathmore council publicly responded to a letter sent to them from Wheatland County council, during the town’s July 17 regular meeting. 

The letter from the county expressed concerns regarding statements made by two members of Town of Strathmore council, being Coun. Melissa Langmaid, and Mayor Pat Fule, during the June 5 Town of Strathmore regular meeting of council. 

The statements were noted and timestamped in the county’s letter to the town.

“It is also my understanding that recently Wheatland County has pulled their support for the project and refused to put further dollars forward,” attributed to Langmaid. 

“We all know that the Wheatland County has voted against a letter of support,” attributed to Fule. 

The county indicated they feel the statements made to have been fallacious and damaging to Wheatland County’s reputation and public image. 

The statements made and referenced were in regards to the ongoing Wheatland Lodge project, overseen by the Wheatland Housing Management Board, which is still in its budgeting phases. 

Both the Town of Strathmore and Wheatland County have publicly made previous financial commitments to the Wheatland Lodge project through passed resolutions. 

Wheatland County, in their letter to the town, had requested Fule and Langmaid both retract their previous statements.

“I did make that statement, and I also sent a reply to Wheatland County. I watched the meeting where this was a point of discussion, and I explained in my email to all of my council and to their council and I am comfortable with what I have said,” said Fule.

Coun. Langmaid said that “Part of being a leader is showing humility and admitting when you make an error. I misunderstood one of their (Wheatland County) previous resolutions, cm2024-05-49 that was defeated on May 21, I misunderstood the ramifications of that resolution. That evening, I was corrected by Coun. (Glenn) Koester but it was not caught on microphone.” 

Coun. Denise Peterson clarified indications had been made and discussion was had between Town of Strathmore council and Koester to rectify any misunderstandings which were had about the county’s resolutions, though much of the interactions were not broadcast to the public at the time. 

Fule added he sent a correspondence email to Wheatland County on June 20 clarifying his position, and as of the July 17 town council meeting, he had yet to receive a reply from the county. In the email, he stated he was comfortable with what he had said and the position he has taken regarding the topic. 

Prior to the county’s concerns being indicated to the Town of Strathmore regarding Fule’s and Langmaid’s comments, a letter was sent from the town to the county demanding an apology and a retraction of a statement made by Coun. Tom Ikert.

As of the July 17 meeting, members of Town of Strathmore council noted their letter had not yet been answered, though it had been publicly discussed during a county council meeting.