Town discusses Wheatland Lodge reserve fund

The Town of Strathmore discussed the potential authorization of a letter to the Wheatland Housing Management Board (WHMB) during the Oct. 16 regular meeting. 

A letter was received by the town from the WHMB requesting approval from all member municipalities to create a Capital Reserve Fund. 

The town discussed this once previously during the Oct. 2 regular meeting, regarding possible replies and requested administration to draft a response for council’s review. 

Coun. Jason Montgomery motioned for council to authorize the mayor to sign the response letter to the WHMB as presented by administration. 

Coun. Brent Wiley stated he would not be supporting Montgomery’s motion to send the letter as it had been initially drafted. 

“What we are being asked here tonight is that money be set aside as a reserve. There is no question that we need to set money aside as a reserve, protect our current investment in the seniors’ lodge, but my disagreement is where that reserve money should sit,” said Coun. Wiley. “My preference is the reserve money should sit in the Town of Strathmore, and we would have 100 per cent control over the money and the letter is starting to direct Wheatland (Lodge) into what it would look like if they had a repair and maintenance reserve on behalf of us.”

Wiley explained he would prefer that the town be completely and singularly accountable for the money from taxpayers.

Coun. Denise Peterson added to the discussion a clarification that the WHMB is legislated under the provincial government and maintains both the right and legislative requirement to make requisitions necessary in order to carry out work that they are mandated for. 

Additionally, she explained the WHMB has a long history of taking into consideration any concerns brought up by the member municipalities which participate in its discussions.

“Our response is not necessarily setting the parameters for this reserve fund, or even how reserve requests will be handled – this is just our response back to WHMB for them to consider and then for them to put forward some other ideas,” added Coun. Montgomery. 

One contingency noted in the letter which Coun. Montgomery was in support of is a note indicating that council wishes for all capital requests to come before council in order to be discussed publicly in open session and be voted on before being set in stone. 

Council voted 4-1 in favour of signing the letter to the WHMB, and a draft was approved to be brought to a WHMB meeting the following day with indication that the vote in favour of signing had happened and the letter would be signed by the mayor.