Town debates ongoing feasibility of senior’s lodge project

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Town of Strathmore heard a presentation by Coun. Jason Montgomery regarding the ongoing proposed lodge and hospice project during the June 5 regular meeting. 

Mayor Pat Fule originally opposed council hearing the presentation after it was made known that Montgomery has not yet complied with council’s decision that he should issue a statement of apology regarding previous correspondence to local ratepayers about the lodge project. 

Details regarding this correspondence are outlined in the May 15 edition of the Strathmore Times.

“We have a motion on the floor that we had passed in May to have a letter of apology sent to the two people that were mentioned … and I think if you are going to respect a council resolution, then that should be done,” he said during the council meeting.

“It has been a three-week period and nothing has been done yet – I am not putting forward a motion to cancel the presentation, I just think that the past council resolution should be honoured and respected if we are going to show respect to have a presentation made.”

Discussion among council immediately devolved following Fule’s speaking to his motion, resulting in Montgomery being muted mid-meeting, and several reminders regarding proper conduct being issued.

In response to the suggestion of a delay to his presentation, Montgomery accused Fule of attempting to suppress him and disallow him from making himself heard among council.

Montgomery cited Section 14 of the town’s Code of Conduct Bylaw, referring that proper process had not been followed prior to the June 5 meeting with respect to any complaints fellow councillors may have about his conduct, or potential misconduct.

Following an in-camera session away from public eye, council reconvened and Fule withdrew his motion suggesting to delay Montgomery’s presentation.

“I dropped the ball as far as a formal written notice of complaint so if we have not followed all of the procedure points correctly, how could I go ahead and push for something to arise out of that?” said Fule. 

The presentation put forward by Montgomery largely reflected the potential deficits the town may incur should the lodge project proceed to completion, and how much it may cost local taxpayers for the facility to operate year over year. 

Debate amongst council following the in-camera session regarding the presentation and ongoing viability of the lodge project ran for roughly 3.5 hours, ultimately concluding in the request to develop a feasibility study.

Fule motioned that council direct administration to complete a feasibility assessment for financing, scale and sighting, and legislative, legal, and regulatory requirements for a modified senior’s lodge, based on the current proposed Wheatland Lodge design to be funded through willing partners and bring the feasibility assessment to a regular council meeting, no later than the first council meeting in October, and that the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to inquire with the Villages of Hussar, Standard and Rockyford, and the Wheatland and Area Hospice Society as to whether they wish to be considered a willing partner for the purpose of completing the feasibility assessment.

This motion was passed unanimously by council.