Town approves land use bylaw amendment with intent for new daycare facility
By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The Town of Strathmore voted to approve Bylaw 24-01, being a bylaw to amend the town’s Land Use Bylaw No. 14-11, addressing 1016 Westridge Road.
First reading was given to Bylaw 24-01 during the Feb. 21 regular meeting of council. The public was subsequently notified about the hearing, which took place during the March 20 council meeting.
Second and third readings of the bylaw were passed following the closing of the public hearing, during which the bylaw was presented and discussed.
“Staff received a land use bylaw redesignation application for 1016 Westridge Road, Lot 9, Block 1, Plan 9611453. The application is for commercial highway district overlay,” said Chuck Proctor, who spoke to the application during the public hearing. “(The application) retains that base zoning of commercial highway district, but adding a child care service into that lot.”
Prior to the passing of the bylaw amendment, childcare services were not listed as a use in the commercial highway land use district.
Town staff noted in the report submitted in council’s meeting agenda, this was believed to be due to industrial type land uses existing as part of that land use district.
“We do not think there is any large industrial land use conflicts adjacent to residential to the north – the properties north of Highway 1, it is not next to our heavy industrial district,” said Proctor. “Westridge Road was also recently upgraded with pedestrian upgrades, trees, and a sidewalk.”
Westridge Road was noted as being currently comprised mostly of commercial highway land use, adjacent to Strathmore Lakes Estates, Wildflower Ranch, Westlake Bay, and Strathmore Lakes Bay, which are primarily low-density residential land uses.
Expanding childcare services in Strathmore was suggested to potentially address pressing needs of families within the community by accommodating the demands of working parents and guardians.
The availability of additional local childcare services not only would increase its accessibility, but would also contribute to the local economy, well-being of local families, and productivity of workforces.
The property in question consists of one acre, which would be utilized as an indoor childcare service, host a small playground, and maintain a parking area for staff, as well as for parents and guardians to drop off their children.
Members of the public who spoke during the public hearing took the time to express their support for the land use bylaw amendment. There was no stated opposition to the amendment by members of the public during the public hearing.
More information regarding the bylaw amendment and the development project is present in the town’s public meeting agenda.