Town approves Alberta Municipalities Resolution for equipment funding

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Town of Strathmore council approved the draft of the Alberta Municipalities Resolution for Alberta First Responders Radio Communications System Equipment Funding during the May 15 regular meeting.

Additionally, town administration has been directed to coordinate with the Village of Rockyford to second the resolution for funding.

The resolution for Alberta First Responders Radio Communications System Equipment Funding will ultimately be submitted by administration for consideration at the 2024 Alberta Municipalities Convention. 

It is noted in the town public meeting agenda, that Alberta Municipalities represents over 260 municipal government bodies.

Each of these participating municipalities supports a “vision” to be a “change agent that enables municipalities to be a fully engaged order of government with the capacity to build thriving communities.”

Alberta Municipalities conducts a resolution process allowing members to identify common issues, as well as solutions for their respective boards of directors to advocate to federal and provincial governments.

The proposed resolution for 2024 is to advocate for the Government of Alberta to provide financial support for municipalities so that every community throughout Alberta may afford access to the Alberta First Responders Radio Communications System. 

An outstanding barrier to accessing this emergency system is the high cost of the equipment required to participate. 

“Emergency response telephone systems” are listed as an eligible cost under the new Local Government Fiscal Framework (LGFF) Capital funding program, as laid out by the province. 

Town council was presented with the first draft of the proposed Alberta First Responders Radio Communications System Equipment Funding resolution during the April 10, Committee of the Whole meeting. 

During that discussion, it had been requested that administration consider requesting a letter of support from WADEMSA, as well as from RMA, ensure other municipalities are prepared to voice their support during the convention in the fall, ensure a backup plan existed for other potential seconder municipalities, and to have speaking notes prepared to support Strathmore’s experience within the topic.

Communications with Alberta Municipalities, including letters of support with resolution submissions was reported by town administration to be discouraged, as it would add length to the Resolution Book utilized during the convention – being a document intended to be kept as concise as possible.

Council approved the draft, as well as the directions recommended by administration without further discussion.

The full recommendations, as well as documentation are available via the town’s public meeting agenda for the May 15 regular meeting.