Strathmore schools host annual Terry Fox Runs

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Several schools across Strathmore participated in the annual Terry Fox Run, taking place Sept. 19, once again bringing students together to raise money and awareness for cancer research.

Over 9,000 schools and three million students across Canada take part in the run which continues to fundraise in the name of Terry Fox.

“We have had a Terry Fox Run in our entire history and even before that, and so every fall, we encourage students to canvas their family and friends to raise money for Terry Fox,” said Glenda Sorensen, one of the teachers at Crowther Memorial Junior High School. “It has been a huge part of our school culture and we have even as staff members who have family members, or themselves, who battle cancer; it just reinforces our need to raise funds for this cause and continue to pursue it as a big part of our school.”

Sorensen explained last year, the Crowther Memorial school community was able to come together and raise $3,793.90 through the Terry Fox Run campaign. This year, the goal for the school was to raise $2,000. 

Throughout the school’s history, over $188,000 has been raised across more than 30 years of operation, both as Crowther Memorial, and prior to the school building’s redesignation. 

“It is really neat to see the start of the race, all 500 of them take off all at once; it is a beautiful afternoon in the fall to just take a moment to maybe think about those in your family who have battled cancer, or someone you know, and it is also a great community building event for our school,” said Sorensen. “We head down Brent Boulevard towards Strathmore High School, and then we do a little bit of a tour down the canal and past the public library and up the golf course road to return back to the school.”

Sorensen added she believed it’s important for kids to learn about who Terry Fox was and the history of the run, as well as the importance of raising funds and awareness for cancer research.

Though the school will never turn away donations being made in the name of cancer research, the official campaign operates from the beginning of the academic year when students return to classes, for three weeks leading up to the Terry Fox Run event itself. 

Crowther Memorial maintains a link to donate directly to the Terry Fox Foundation with credit being given to the school’s particular campaign. Those interested in contributing are able to do so online (

Wheatland Elementary hosted their Terry Fox Run on Sept. 13. George Freeman School, Ecole Brentwood and Trinity Christian Academy also held their race on Sept. 19.

Sacred Heart Academy will host their run on Sept. 26 and Westmount Elementary will host theirs the following day.