Library to resume regular programming

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Regular programming at the Strathmore Municipal Library has officially opened for registration, including early literacy, Winging It, and Book Buddies.

“Those are our regular programs that we run regularly through spring and fall sessions as well. All the details are on our website to register for them. Twinkle Babies are full, but there is still room for the other two programs,” said Laura Henderson, public services manager with the Strathmore Library. “Book Buddies, we continue to take – I would love to get more registrations for that program; it is a really great program where children read one on one with a volunteer and it is just to build a love of reading.”

These annual programs are all free and operated annually for the benefit of the public. They resume following the conclusion of the summer reading program operated in the down time.

Henderson explained the early literacy programs are able to accommodate 10 families. Winging It boasts 12 slots for the tween age group, and 15 for the teens.

“They are very popular programs. That Winging It program is sort of like an improv drama class, and we have run it for a number of years. The slots are filling up fast,” said Henderson. “Book Buddies is nice because we do not have a set capacity. Because it is one-on-one reading, and it is volunteers who do all of the leg work, if I have more registrations than I have volunteers, I ask my volunteers if they have more time, or we put out a call for more volunteers and try to match the numbers.”

She explained the program does not have a cap on registration as it is such a rare occurrence that volunteer ability is unable to match the number of people registered to participate.

Henderson added the library is anticipating a wave of late and last-minute registrations, as many families are not quite ready for the summer off season to come to a close.

“It is a little bit slower on the numbers right now because people are still in that summer mode, but then they get back to school and they are like, ‘oh, we would really like to support our child in school with that reading journey,’” she said. “I usually find right up until the day we begin – and there are sessions every day so any day of the week, we can usually find a time, even right during that first week, we will still be taking registrations and matching them up because the kids are just getting back into the swing of the school year.”

More information regarding the library’s regular programs is available on their website or in person. Similarly, the library is always seeking more volunteers to help operate the facility and their programs.