Library partners with local Dominos for fundraiser

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Beginning May 20, the Strathmore Municipal Library, in partnership with the local Domino’s Pizza, launched a fundraiser for the library. 

Running until June 3, Dominos is featuring two specials on their menu, for which $5 from each purchase will be going towards supporting the library. 

“A local Dominos representative approached us in January saying that he wanted to support the library in different ways. They provided pizza for our Family Literacy Day event in January,” said Laura Henderson, public services manager for the Strathmore Municipal Library. “Pizza gets people to events. Food brings people out. Typically, weeknight programs are not as well attended as other programs … but we had something like 80 people show up for that event because there was pizza, so he had said that they could work with us in different ways.”

Henderson explained as the library aims and attempts to run more programs, more resources are required in order to finance such endeavors. 

Given this, she reached out to Dominos to see if they would be interested in lending a hand, at which she said they promptly responded with support of the request. 

“There are two different specials that are just for our local store … it will be huge and it is going to take place again in November,” said Henderson. 

The goal, she added, is to hopefully see $500 incoming in support of the library and its programming. 

Henderson joked staff at the library often say they try to do so much with so little, so if they just had a little more funding here and there, they could dramatically stretch the mileage any extra funding would be able to provide. 

“I am really hoping to use it for some kind of special events where we can offer prizes that are a little more meaningful or impactful, is sort of what I am going for,” said Henderson. “(For example), our edible book day is a big thing that we did in April and that is a yearly event. We had to really cut back on the prizes because if I spend my whole programming budget on prizes, then we can’t run other programs. The balance there, we want to be able to offer all these programs, so this is a way to do both as best we can.”

Orders from Strathmore’s Dominos – which will support the library – can be made online, over the phone, or in person, so long as the patron is in the local location.