Library hosting art therapy adult night

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Strathmore Municipal Library will be hosting an adult art therapy night, Oct. 23, featuring guests from the Wheatland Society of Arts. 

“A few months ago in our art gallery, the local artist Bonnie Bishop – she is a member of the Wheatland Society of Arts – she very occasionally teaches some classes there, but she is an active member; she likes taking some classes and she is a very active member in the art community,” said Laura Henderson, public services manager with the Strathmore Municipal Library. “She got into art later in life because she was dealing with stress and anxiety, and someone had explained to her that art can be a form of therapy.”

In deciding how to set up the event, the library found it did not have the resources to bring in an art therapist; however, a list of art therapists located in Calgary will be made available at the Oct. 23 session. 

The session at the library will be instructed as a paint night as well as maintaining the focus on art as a therapeutic outlet. 

Though the library has hosted art and paint nights in a variety of capacities, this is the first occasion where a similar event will be combined with the message of art therapy. 

“Anything that is well received, obviously we would consider running it again. It is part of our adult night series, so it is something that we are bringing in as a way to also promote the Wheatland Society of Arts,” said Henderson. “They do so many programs over there that are so valuable to the community, so this is an opportunity to partner with them and highlight some of their programs as well.”

Registration for the session opened Oct. 9, which the library has requested for those interested in participating.

The team at the library will need to be made aware of how much material will be necessary to have on hand to accommodate all who wish to take part.

Materials will be purchased by the library based on number of registrations, and attendance will be free. 

The session will have participants learning to recreate one of Bishop’s paintings and will run from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. The medium will be acrylic on canvas. 

“I love partnering with other local organizations,” said Henderson. “I think we all have so many great things to offer and if we can combine services and highlight each other, I always think there is a lot of value in that.”