Empowering students

By Chantelle de Jonge Chestermere-Strathmore MLA

With back-to-school shopping and preparations in full swing, I thought it timely to share some updates on education.

Alongside our education partners, Alberta’s government is continuing to modernize the education system and improve student success by developing and piloting a curriculum that will drive a passion for learning. After nine months of consultation with education partners, teachers, parents and Albertans, the new draft K-6 social studies curriculum is ready to build students’ critical thinking skills and empower them to be engaged citizens.

Since the new draft K-6 social studies curriculum was released in April 2024, more than 1,700 teachers across 429 schools have signed up to pilot the curriculum during the 2024-25 school year. We will carefully consider feedback from all engagement activities and classroom piloting to finalize the new K-6 social studies curriculum prior to implementation. I am confident that together with specialists, parents, and teachers, we will build a comprehensive curriculum that sets up our students for lifelong learning and success. 

Students play an invaluable role in Alberta’s education system and will have their voices heard on the Minister’s Youth Council during the 2024-25 school year. About 40 student leaders from urban and rural communities will provide first-hand experiences and unique perspectives to the Minister of Education to help improve Alberta’s world-class education system. Students will have the opportunity to engage directly with the Minister and other government officials to share their perspectives.

Over a 10-month term aligned with the 2024-25 school year, these young leaders of tomorrow will attend meetings to provide valuable input on various education topics, build positive relationships, and participate in various leadership development opportunities. Last year’s council offered input on issues such as artificial intelligence, career pathways, bullying and harassment, cellphone use in schools and more. I look forward to learning more about the council members’ ideas and input on education topics that matter to them and their communities. 

A great opportunity to give students a head start in Alberta’s job market is dual credit programs. Alberta’s government is strengthening dual credit programming by advancing the recommendations of the Career Education Task Force to establish a new Dual Credit Review Advisory group. The advisory group will review dual credit programming and identify opportunities for enhancement to ensure that students are equipped with the skills and opportunities they need to pursue post-secondary education and careers after high school. 

As we embark on a new school year, I wish all parents, students, and teachers the very best in their back-to-school preparations. Together, let’s continue to build on Alberta’s world-class education system, with these exciting announcements to support and inspire every learner. 

As always, please feel free to reach out to my office with your feedback and questions via email (Chestermere.Strathmore@assembly.ab.ca).

(Chantelle de Jonge is the MLA for Chestermere-Strathmore and the Parliamentary Secretary for Affordability and Utilities)