County passes new electoral boundaries bylaw

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Wheatland County council passed third and final reading for Bylaw 2024-18, being the electoral boundaries bylaw during the Sept. 17 regular meeting of council.

The bylaw was previously presented before council Sept. 3, for consideration of second and third readings, though was at the time tabled to request an amendment to Sections 10, 11, and 12 regarding the force and effect of the bylaw. 

A public hearing regarding the bylaw was held during the July 2, regular meeting of council, following which, first reading of the bylaw was passed with minor amendments requested by council to be made prior to second reading. 

Additional minor amendments were identified by county staff, including amending the boundary between Divisions 2 and 4 around Strathmore, the description in Division 6 regarding the former railway right-of-way, changes to the language referencing Force and Effect for the bylaw in order for it to be applicable to the next election, and grammatical and formatting amendments such as sentence structures and syntax.

Periodic reviews of the county’s electoral boundaries are conducted in order to ensure the populations outlined by each division are relatively similar. 

As population changes are not consistent throughout the county, amendments are periodically made in order to maintain even representations and equal distributions.

Review of the electoral boundaries bylaw was initiated by county administration at the Feb. 13, Committee of the Whole meeting. Drafted boundary review maps were presented during the March 28, Committee of the Whole meeting.

At the May 7 regular meeting, council accepted the Electoral Boundaries Review Terms of Reference, which outlined a process for the boundaries review, including public consultation, advertising, and implementation.

Three open houses were held by the county to provide opportunities for public consultation through in-person information sessions. These took place on June 10, 11, and 12 in Hussar, Gleichen, and Lyalta, respectively.

No comments were reported to be received by council during or following the open houses, and a summary of the events was prepared by county staff.

Coun. Shannon Laprise motioned for council to approve second reading of Bylaw 2024-18, being the electoral boundaries bylaw, in accordance with the attachments present in council’s meeting agenda. The motion was passed unanimously by council.

Coun. Glenn Koester motioned to approve third reading of the electoral boundaries bylaw, as amended. No further discussion was held and the motion was approved unanimously by council.