County approves several development permit applications

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Wheatland County Municipal Planning Commission approved a total of five development permits during the Sept. 9 meeting.

Development Permit DP 2023-056 was an application for a natural resource extraction and processing operation which is to include excavation, crushing, screening, washing, and hauling of aggregate on the subject lands. 

It was stated that it is the applicant’s intent to reactivate the subject location in order to recover sand and gravel resources, and to finalize outstanding reclamation work.

The site is located 5.75 kilometers southeast of the Hamlet of Carseland, 2.4 kilometers east of Speargrass, and approximately 2.4 kilometers east of Highway 24.

Operations suggested by the applicant’s plan and proposal to the county include a one-to five-year mining duration for their first phase, and another six-to 10-year mining operation over Phase 2. 

The site plan provided by the applicant included two areas which do not meet the setback requirements outlined in the Land Use Bylaw. Variances were requested. 

Development Permit DP 2024-065 was an application for a dog kennel, which would also offer basic obedience training. The application indicated dogs would stay on the property for periods of time ranging from a few days to as long as a month.

The maximum number of client dogs which would be acceptable at any given time would be 15, though the applicant does not anticipate numbers to be that high on a regular basis. 

Business activities would be conducted out of an existing structure, as well as a proposed addition to be constructed. 

County administration had recommended passing the application, as it was in line with the Municipal Development Plan, as well as the Land Use Bylaw. 

Development Permit DP 2024-096 was for three freestanding signs to be placed on community service parcels in three separate locations within the Hamlet of Rosebud. 

The signs were proposed to display historical photographs and information highlighting local areas of interest.

The signs are defined as freestanding in the land use bylaw as they are less than 300 square feet and are suggested to stand independently of any buildings. 

Members of the MPC approved the development permit application under the conditions that the signs be utilized strictly for the purposes outlined in the application, and no variances have been granted. 

Development Permit DP 2024-098 was for an existing 1,520 square foot dwelling to be classified as an accessory dwelling, and placement of a new 1,680 square foot modular dwelling on site which will be considered the primary dwelling. 

According to the land use bylaw, an accessory dwelling may not be more than 80 per cent the size of the primary dwelling. As in this instance, the accessory dwelling would be roughly 90 per cent the size of the primary, so a variance was required to be granted. 

The application proposed a new septic system will be installed for the new building, but both would share an existing water well.

The application was permitted under several conditions outlined by county administration. 

Development Permit DP 2024-099 suggested to move a 1,193 square foot moved-on dwelling to the outlined property located within the Hamlet of Gleichen. 

This applicant had previously moved a shipping container to the property which is not an allowable use within the Hamlet Residential General district. A plan was submitted outlining how the container would be made to appear as though it was an accessory building. 

As the property does not currently have dedicated onsite parking, a new driveway and approach will be required to be constructed in accordance with requirements of the County Transportation Department. 

No variances to county land use bylaws were requested, and the application was permitted subject to several conditions as recommended by administration.