County approves interim operating, capital budgets

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Wheatland County council approved the interim operating and capital budgets during the Dec. 17, regular meeting, both as presented by administration. 

Council also directed administration to bring a report on the county’s reserves back to a future meeting following the completion of an asset management review. 

Drafts of the capital and operating budgets were initially presented to council during the Nov. 26 Committee of the Whole meeting. 

The county completes its budget in a two-stage process, with the interim being decided and approved in December, and the final budget is usually established in April when property tax adjustments are determined. 

Figures such as the school tax requisition are also provided during the spring deliberations.

County residents and businesses receive their tax notices shortly following third reading of the final budget.

The total operating expenses proposed during the Nov. 26 meeting were $51.9 million. The draft of the interim budget had since increased that projection by $286,766. 

This change was to reflect several changes including an update to the digital transformation project, benefit changes related to salary adjustments, an updated estimate for annual contributions and invoicing for the Drumheller and District Solid Waste Management Association, an update to the council honorarium from prior estimates to actual cost of living adjustments, and salary changes for cost of living to individual positions.

Compared to its original presentation estimated at $46.9 million, the interim capital budget was decreased by $1.1 million.

These adjustments are reflected in changes outlined to the Muirfield Water Treatment Plant fence, the Goldfinch Raw Water Supply, Muirfield Wastewater Lagoon, Wheatland Shores Building repairs, four bridge file changes, and regarding year two of the summary for water division.

More information regarding the specifics of each change is outlined in the county’s public agenda for the Dec. 17 council meeting.

Following the completion of the 2024 financial audit, any prior unfinished project budgets may be carried forward with the final budget adjustments during the April deliberations.

Following the presentation of the budget by administration, Coun. Glenn Koester motioned for council to approve the 2025-27 interim operating budget as presented. This motion was passed unanimously by council without discussion.

Coun. Donna Biggar motioned for council to approve the 2025-29 interim capital budget as presented. This was similarly carried unanimously by council.

Reeve Amber Link proposed a motion for council to consider reviewing the county’s reserves following the completion of the asset management report being undertaken by administration.

“I think it is important that we start looking at a longer-term capital plan that extends beyond what we are required to address through the MGA by the provincial government and start addressing those significant asset management needs once we have complete information,” she said.

Link’s motion was subsequently also carried by council.