Casting call out for local theatre

By Melissa Piche Times Contributor

The Youth Theatre Company is sending out audition and volunteer calls for its upcoming show Alice in Winterland. 

Chelsea Hall, president of the organization, describes the show as, “a mix between all the characters you love in Alice in Wonderland, but with kinda a wintery feel. It’s an original script which is also super fun.”

Hall said the local company has been up and running for two years now with this being the company’s first bigger project for the public.

The auditions are open to actors of all ages. 

“We’ve got kids; the youngest is eight years old and this show we’re welcoming all ages. So, I’ve got teens and adults signing up as well,” said Hall. “We can always use more help.”

People can find out more information about the audition process and where to sign up by visiting the company’s website ( 

“We have more information about the auditions and the time expectations as well as a form for whoever is interested,” she said.

With productions like this, behind the scenes work is crucial – from building sets, selling tickets, sourcing props to making costumes. So, if you’re not into acting, there are still a number of roles that need to be filled off-stage.

As to what audience members can expect of the show, Hall said to prepare for an all-ages, family-friendly show with lots of funny silly moments and jokes throughout. 

The characters in Alice and Wonderland are a big group of “crazy characters” so expect the same from the play.

Hall hopes this is the first of many more similar productions in the future. 

“We’re kinda doing it show by show since this is our first bigger production, but our goals are to do two productions a year for all ages to come and join,” said Hall. 

The show will be hitting the stage in Strathmore the last weekend in November and first weekend in December with a total of six shows performed at the Hope Community Church. 

Hall said people should keep their eye on the website for ticket info including pricing and purchasing information.