Wheatland West joins stair climb for cancer

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Members from the Wheatland West Fire Department have committed to the challenge of climbing Brookfield Place in Calgary later this summer to raise money for cancer research.

Completing the challenge will require the ascent of 1,370 steps across 57 floors to the top, all while having donned their boots, air packs and helmets. 

The efforts of participating firefighters will largely go towards Wellspring Alberta, in order to support the families of cancer victims. 

“As long as you are a firefighter, you can join. You can also challenge the chief if you raise a certain amount – I believe it is $5,000,” said Silke Stubbe, speaking on behalf of the Wheatland West Fire Department. “It is for both volunteer and career firefighters. I have heard about it before and I thought it was kind of cool.”

Stubbe added as a team, Wheatland West is aiming to raise $8,000 for the cause prior to the event in June. Thus far, the team has brought together approximately $5,800.

Kyle McKay, who is also a member of the Wheatland West department, will be joining Stubbe in the climb. He explained he has a personal motivation for wanting to get involved.

“My grandfather was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma on Christmas Eve. That is kind of where my motivation stems from,” he said. “He is currently fighting his battle, and it is a matter of time for him. I am doing this for him and for other people battling cancer and their families.”

Stubbe added she also has a personal connection to the cause, having lost a family member to cancer earlier in the year. 

This will be the first occasion at which Stubbe and McKay will be participating, and the ninth such overall that has been hosted in Calgary. 

“(Cancer) is everywhere, and part of why I think we both do it is just to get help for the people who are not necessarily suffering with cancer, but also the family members because it is just as hard for them,” said Stubbe. 

The Wheatland West team has been training since January for the climb and will continue to do so multiple times per week in order to be prepared.

The team is currently working to spread the word via their social media channels as well as via word of mouth to collect donations. 

For those who are interested in donating and supporting the cause, Wheatland West can be reached via their Facebook page or via the station in Strathmore.