STAND hosts self-defence workshop

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

STAND Against Sexual Assault hosted a workshop at the Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre on Feb. 11, aiming to continue local self-defence education, largely for women. 

“What it is about is, it is self-defence training to help improve fitness and strength, making you less of a target or less vulnerable in the situation of a threat, and just so you’re able to know your own strength and leave feeling more confident and empowered,” explained Erin Brassard, founder and director of STAND.

This was the fourth instance of such a workshop being hosted in Strathmore by STAND, with the previous one being hosted in August, in the middle of Kinsmen Park.

Similar to its previous instance, the workshop was funded by Strathmore Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) and United Way.

“It (was) a very similar workshop to last year. It (was) held with Maeghen Cotterill, who is an 11-time world champion mixed martial artist,” said Brassard. “She (lead) the workshop and (attendees were) able to come and break boards and learn different techniques to be able to defend yourself.”

Brassard added Cotterill helps with a host of workshops for STAND, both within Calgary as well as in Strathmore. STAND workshops also periodically present at local junior high and high schools. 

“(Cotterill) really teaches this training to make you feel better about yourself and to make sure that even if something does happen to you, it is never your fault, which aligns with what STAND Against Sexual Assault is all about,” said Brassard. “Out of all of our feedback forms, over 95 per cent of people who have come to see these workshops let us know that they leave feeling more confident, they leave feeling more empowered and they feel that this workshop has helped them either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.”

Post-workshop, she added one of the best ways to maintain the skills learned there is to regularly practice them. For those who are also interested, STAND offers scholarships to attend Cotterill’s martial arts studio in Calgary in order to continue regular training.

Self-defence training aside, STAND also offers art therapy workshops intermittently, hosted with registered art therapist, Donna Gage. 

Online wellness workshops through Transcend Yoga are also made available through STAND.

According to Brassard, STAND self-defence workshops typically attract between 20 and 30 people, though they are able to host a maximum of 40. 

More information regarding STAND and their resources are available online through their website.