New church moving forward

By Brad Everett Times Contributor

Sacred Heart Catholic Parish is $1.8 million in pledges away from beginning construction on a new church in May of this year.

Bishop William McGrattan announced the Diocese of Calgary would contribute an additional $500,000 to the $9.3 million project, bringing the funding shortfall to $1.8 million, at the Sacred Heart Parish community presentation on the project Jan. 14.

About 80 people showed up for the event, which included a virtual tour of the new church and progress report on the project. The parish purchased the old IGA store at 4 Ave and 2 St. downtown with the intention of renovating it to become the new parish church. 

A combination of local fundraising, pledges, a proposed $1.5 million mortgage and contributions from the diocese has the project within $1.8 million. 

“The work done by the parish committees involved in this project is to be commended and serves as an example of best practices in the diocese,” he said. “I want to acknowledge the work and sacrifice of the parishioners in this, as well as the many very generous pledges and financial sacrifices people have made toward this project.”

The Bishop’s approval is required for the project to move fully into the fifth and final phase of construction, which the building committee refers to as “shovels in the ground.” Some have suggested that if he were to give this approval now, the pledges would follow. However, the Bishop was clear that he wanted the pledges in place before giving his approval. 

“The diocese wants to assist in this and I’m willing to meet with donors over the next three months,” said McGrattan. “I think it is completely doable to have this in place before the end of March so construction could begin on schedule in May.”