Library to potentially see new outdoor mural

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Prospect Human Services presented to the Town of Strathmore Committee of the Whole during their regular meeting, Feb. 8 regarding a new community art project. 

Shantelle Vermeylen, team lead at prospect human services, brought forward a proposal seeking approval to see a mural developed on an outer wall of the Strathmore Municipal Library building. 

The mural would be completed through Skills for Success, a 12-week experiential learning program supporting clients to build soft skills through art and collaboration.

“It serves to beautify the community of Strathmore while reinforcing a deeper connection between our participants and the community,” said Vermeylen.

The Skills for Success program is fully funded by the Government of Alberta under the Department of Community and Social Services.

“Our program works with participants who are removed from the workforce and helps them to build their soft skills such as communication, problem solving, teamwork, adaptability and creativity,” said Vermeylen. “A huge benefit that we have experienced with our clients is an increased sense of self-confidence and a greater sense of belonging in the community.”

Participants take part in creating a public art piece in the final seven weeks of the program alongside the rest of their cohort

The program has already established two public art pieces throughout the town and is requesting permission to create the third. The first two are located within the library and the soon to be new location for Pizza 249, respectively.

The mural would come at no cost to the town, nor the library, being operated through the program by its current clients. 

Participants take part in planning the project, communicating their ideas with receivers of installation, pricing out and sourcing supplies and budgeting for the expense.

It is meant to serve as an effective opportunity for participants to practise the skills they have learned in the program in a live and impactful setting.

The program is currently in its third sessions and has thus far served 14 citizens of Strathmore. Six of these clients have successfully attached to the job market. Five are currently enrolled in the program.

The current group are in the planning stages for their mural in collaboration with the Wheatland Art Society.

The intention for the mural is to depict the culture of Strathmore as described by local residents.

“The depiction will be created from stories told by Strathmore residents such as farmers, firefighters – and these stories will be collected by the Skills for Success participants’ interviews with residents,” said Vermeylen.

According to Vermeylen, the Skills for Success cohort has been in close communication with library administration and the library is on board with the project. 

Pending Town Council approval, the team intends to start painting in August, with no specific start date yet established.