Lambert Centre to see development of new public art

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Town of Strathmore has approved the Lambert Centre to be the location for a community-driven art mural to be painted through the local Skills for Success program. 

The public mural will see installation at the Lambert Centre following final concept approval. Town of Strathmore administration has been directed to work with Prospect Human Services and return with a mural concept for council’s consideration. 

“This was an opportunity to support a local initiative that embodies council’s strategy for Community Wellness,” said Mark Pretzlaff, director of community and protective services. “Public art installations strengthen a community’s identity and fosters a sense of local pride. I’m grateful to Prospect Human Services for coming forward with this idea and look forward to seeing it come to life.”

As part of its overall strategic plan, council has prioritized the maintenance, protection and improvement of wellness services in the community. 

In council’s June 7 meeting agenda, it is indicated by administration that public art is a vital ingredient in the cultural fabric of the local community. 

The idea is that art can connect communities in cultural experiences, creating a sense of belonging and connectedness to people, places, stories, and creative ideas. Art also engages citizens and artistic leaders in planning and building a thriving community for the future.

According to a release from the town, the project also touches on council’s strategy for Intentional Community Development. 

Prospect Human Services originally presented to council a desire for a public art mural back in February as part of their Skills for Success program. 

This is the same initiative which saw the “Welcome” mural established within the Strathmore Municipal Library in October 2022. 

Skills for Success is a program funded by the Government of Alberta and is designed to help unemployed, and underemployed Albertans in the greater Strathmore area to improve their foundational and digital literacy skills, as well as to learn essential communication skills.

The program has also been involved in development of public art at a local pizza parlour, and has expressed interest in developing a mural on the exterior of the 85 Lakeside Blvd. building on the Happy Gang side.

Administration has since met with The Strathmore Municipal Library and the Happy Gang to ensure their support. Once a concept for the mural has been finalized, council will give their final approval prior to installation.

There is currently no set date as to when a concept will be presented before council for approval.