Icing a season with a win

By Melissa Piche Times Contributor

Brooke Parker and the Strathmore Ice Flares U16B ringette team finished the 2022-2023 season with a banner win and fifth place showing at provincials.

“It was a really magical year, and a lot of fun,” said Parker of the season. 

The Ice Flares won three silver medals in away tournaments over the season and took gold after defeating Edmonton Adrenaline in Strathmore’s annual Laurie Morton-Ruppe Memorial Tournament held on Jan. 27-29.

“(This team is) fantastic, a real fun group of girls that came from five different teams. A couple from Rockyford, a couple from 16B, 14A and 14C,” said Parker, explaining that the team consisted of players from a number of different previous teams and age divisions. “It was crazy how they bonded and supported each other.” 

Most recently, the Ice Flares took part in the provincial championship March 17-19 in Medicine Hat. 

“We were in the hardest pool going into provincials,” said Parker, a pool which included the very tough Medicine Hat team. “They were a strong team that in turn made us a better team.” 

After provincials the team wasn’t quite done their season yet – they still had a chance at the Zone banner on the weekend of March 25-27. 

The final game of the zone weekend was against team Airdrie Smash in Airdrie, another rival team. The Ice Flares won the banner and brought it home to be proudly hung at the Strathmore Family Centre. 

Parker had great coaching staff that helped the team with their success. Greg Bell and Ed Yu were assistant coaches, junior coach was Kiri Sader. Tara Risdon also helped on the bench along with Bradie Munro. Keeping the parents and team on track was manager Charlotte Hermann-Trozzo, reemphasizing the importance of every member of the team as a whole. 

“I would love to take this group of girls and carry on,” said Parker.

The team also managed to fit some community service into their season, including building boxes for the Strathmore and Wheatland County Christmas Hamper Society. They also did some fundraising throughout the season to help with team expenses, such as tournament entrance fees.