Fun Runners host annual car show, raise proceeds for local charities
By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

John Watson Photo
The Strathmore Fun Runners hosted their annual car show in Kinsmen Park, July 14-15, with proceeds from the event being donated to local charities.
This year, True North operated the beer gardens hosted for the show, and kept any funds which were generated from sales.
“This year is 28 and we get car enthusiasts from all over and even outside of the province. Depending on weather, we usually get around 150 cars of all different makes, models and vintages,” said Rob Anderson, president of the Strathmore Fun Runners. “It is really exciting to see cars from all over fill this park. Not all car shows are on grass, and certainly not with a beautiful lake in behind. We have a really nice destination for people to come … some of them have been coming for years and they have their own spot under a tree that they like every year.”
Despite competing with other car shows over the weekend as well as the Calgary Stampede, Anderson said he was pleased with the turnout in Strathmore.
He added since COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, more people – both participants entering their cars, as well as attendees, have been making their way back out to the event.
“We have seen probably more in the past few years, some of these rat rod type vehicles that are not as pristine and they are a little rougher around the edges, but they appeal to a different crowd, so that is kind of a neat look,” said Anderson. “We also have some of the most modern vehicles here. I know there is one here that just came in that is right off the factory line and hardly has any miles on it at all.”
The hobby of preparing cars, whether for speed, aesthetic or restoration, is described as a labour of love for those who engage in it.
Any vehicle which was entered on display at the Fun Runners show was entered for a potential award, offered in a host of different categories.
Receiving support from the Town of Strathmore, this year’s event also included a Mayor’s Choice Award as a fun addition to the accolades.
Last year’s event saw approximately $1,000 raised for the Fun Runners’ charity of choice. Though there was no exact goal in mind, Anderson said any funds raised beyond being able to cover expenses would be given directly back to the local community.
Going forward, the aim is to partner with the town and grow the event into a much larger-scale spectacle and include much more than a parade and display in the park.
“I think we can grow this thing to be even better, and the town wants to help us do that,” said Anderson. “Ultimately, we want people who come to have a good time and hopefully they will come back.”