Township Road 232 speed limit reduced

By John Watson Local Journalism initiative Reporter

Wheatland County Council has passed third and final reading on bylaw 2022-02, lowering the speed limit on township road 232 between Hwy 1 and Hwy 817, to 80 km/hr. 

The bylaw was passed during the Feb. 2 regular council meeting, during which all three readings were completed. 

Prior to the discussion, county council invited the public to share their thoughts and to have an input on whether they wanted to see the speed limit reduced from the prior 100 km/hr. 

“I know from my ratepayers in Division 2, there were certainly diverse perspectives, but this does solve … the issues that I heard from the majority of people who corresponded with me,” said County Reeve, Amber Link.

“I do put a lot of weight in that because obviously … I know when I’m speaking to a neighbor, to an individual who lives on the road or uses the road.”

The road serves many as an access to agricultural zones, as well as a route to trucking and shipping vehicles.

According to Link, many concerns raised by her ratepayers were based on safety while making use of the roadway. 

“It’s definitely complex and there’s different principles that we look at when we’re setting a speed limit and trying to balance safety with efficient transportation and that’s challenging,” said Link.

Councilor Tom Ikert spoke to the decision during the council meeting and though he did not necessarily agree with the decision, as it was the will of council, he ultimately supported it. 

“I struggle with this one … The way I look at it is, we’ve had a fulsome discussion and even though my opinion was not the opinion of council, I like the work that staff has done on this and it seems to be a waste if we just throw it back again,” said Ikert.

“A decision has been made and as much as I may not think that it’s going to accomplish anything, I think that we have to live with that decision.”

The difference in time for traffic travelling on the stretch of road will add approximately four additional minutes to their commute, assuming the speed limit is adhered to.