Town councillor hands $2,350 to Overnight Shelter

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Town of Strathmore Coun. Richard Wegener concluded his charity challenge, launched on Nov. 30 in order to raise money for the Strathmore Overnight Shelter.

Wegener, at the start of the initiative, committed to matching incoming donations up to the first $1,000 raised for the facility.

“I’m feeling really good, I think it went well. In total, $1,350 was donated, with my matching $1,000,” said Wegener. “It seems like a drop in the bucket when I hear it costs more than that to pay for utilities for the month, but I hope every little bit helps, and hopefully we can keep the donations coming in.”

Being the first instance of what he intends to be an annual fundraiser for different local non-profit organizations, Wegener said he would have been thrilled to see total donations in the realm of $400.

Wegener added he began the fundraiser feeling a desire to give back to the local community, and to those who are in need of aid during the holiday season.

“My wife and I have been fortunate over the years. We have always worked, had a roof over our heads, and coming onto council, I’ve been made more aware of the homeless population in Strathmore,” he said.

“I have been provided with a lot myself, so I wanted to pay it forward, and I’m going to keep doing that on an annual basis at different charities and help support them as long as I am on council.”

He explained community response to the idea has thus far been supportive and receptive to Wegener’s cause. 

For those who may not be able to contribute financially, things like food, clothes, work boots and the like are also welcomely accepted donations at the overnight shelter. Volunteering is also a tremendous way to get involved. 

According to Elizabeth Karp, executive director of the Strathmore Overnight Shelter, the electric bill alone for the building is over $2,000 every month. Occasionally, utility costs will peak over $3,500 to the shelter. 

“It is a high cost, especially when it gets this cold, but (donations) also help with our food costs, our laundry, our cleaning supplies… It may seem like a drop in the bucket, but when everybody puts in that drop, it makes a difference,” she said.

The facility is equipped to host a maximum capacity of 20 people overnight at any given time. According to Karp, it is often at its maximum capacity. 

The Strathmore overnight shelter will be open over the course of the holidays for extended hours whenever possible. As the service is entirely operated by volunteers, this may not always be the case.