Running With the Bulls crowns two new champions
By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Joe Lepage Photo
The Strathmore Stampede has awarded two more adrenaline junkies with belt buckles and the $1,000 bounty for winning the annual Running With the Bulls.
Saturday’s winner, 19-year-old Kurtis Seeley, who hails from Wheatland County, said since he was talked into competing, he was in it to win it.
“I’d seen the belt buckle and the thousand (dollars) and all my friends were doing it and well maybe a lucky lady would come to me tonight,” he said. “It was kind of scary. I just went in with pure confidence and wanted to win so, I just went at them and (figured I’d) see what happened.”
He added he had some familiarity with bulls, but was largely going in blind and was simply ready to see what happened.
For Seeley, the risk was worth the idea of winning some money. As the run drew to a close, he certainly earned his keep after getting knocked around by an unexpected hit.
“At the end there, I thought they were all gone and then I heard screaming and yelling and there was another one here,” he said. “I turned around and there he was right in my face and all of a sudden, he was right on top of me.”
Sunday’s event saw 26-year-old Tyler Eveson from Cochrane take home the prize after a close call on the track that nearly had him gored.
“I wasn’t worried at all. I know I’m in good hands here and I wasn’t too worried about anything,” he said after the run.
Eveson said he jumped into the ring for the fun and to let loose a little, even having invited several of his peers to join in on the event.
“I invited all my friends from work and I tried to get them all to do it and all my employees but they’ve seen the videos on YouTube and they were not interested after that,” said Eveson.
He added he has ideas to split the money amongst friends and coworkers, or to potentially vacation in Mexico to enjoy his earnings.
Eveson was selected by the crowd from three competitors who had ultimately stood out for their boldness and antics during the event.