Local high school student brings back Clean Campaign

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Local high school student Emma Moore (17) has brought back her annual Clean Campaign for the Wheatland County Food Bank for the sixth straight year running.

Moore, who prolifically operates fundraising initiatives within the community, said she has been doing so since she was 11, with growing success every year.  

The Clean Campaign aims to collect articles such as shampoo, conditioners, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other assorted personal hygiene items to donate to the food bank.

“My goal was 100 bags and I’m going to donate those to the food bank because they can’t put hygiene items in their hampers, and most of their hygiene items have to be donated to them,” said Moore. “All the money that they get through donations has to go to food and because it’s such an expensive time, especially in September with back to school, people that are in need of food are also most likely in need of things like hygiene items.”

In speaking with the food bank as well as to the Strathmore Overnight Shelter (SOS), Moore said she was able to determine a need for personal hygiene items and had asked what she could to help.

“Nobody really likes to smell bad or have poor hygiene, and it really takes away from your self-confidence,” said Moore. “I really thought this could be something to help a whole bunch of people in our community, especially with kids going back to school and how hard that can be on families.”

Despite not observing the impact her campaign has for the community, Moore is adamant that as long as it continues to happen and people are able to access the supplies they need, that alone makes the effort worthwhile. 

This year, Moore has partnered with Strathmore High School, Brentwood Elementary, Crowther Memorial Junior High School, Strathmore Gymnastics Club, Royal Bank of Canada Strathmore branch, Centre Point Chiropractic, Town of Strathmore, Strathmore Civic Centre, Strathmore Family Centre Arena and George Freeman School, to raise the donations needed for the personal hygiene bags. Moore has also received a donation from Tina’s No Frills. 

Each of the partnering schools, businesses and organizations are hosting drop-off bins for people to deposit products, or folks can reach out to Moore directly through her social media, Em’s Donation Projects on Facebook.

The campaign, which launched this year on Aug. 26, will run until Sept. 15.

“I’ve seen so many great donations. Even when we get donations that don’t necessarily go into the hampers, I’m still able to donate those things to places like the crisis shelter – things like makeup and feminine hygiene products,” said Moore, who will also be running her Soup for Soldiers campaign again later this year, as well as her birthday fundraiser in the spring. 

Beyond that, Moore is hoping local businesses or organizations will pick up and continue her annual campaigns, as next fall she intends to be taking off for post-secondary education outside of Strathmore.