Three-phase plan announced to lift restrictions

By Sean Feagan, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The provincial government has announced the latest reopening plan for COVID-19 public health restrictions, which hinges on the proportion of Albertans who attain vaccination.

The plan offers a summer without restrictions conditionally if Albertans “continue to follow public health measures” in the meantime and “vaccination numbers continue to rise quickly.”

The plan is set in three stages. The province will provide additional details on restrictions prior to each step. A given step could be paused in response to trends in COVID-19 transmission at regional or provincial levels, according to the government.

Stage 1

The first stage was enacted on June 1, two weeks after 50 per cent of Albertans over the age of 12 received at least one dose of vaccine and hospitalizations for COVID-19 fell below 800. 

On June 1, outdoor social gatherings increased to up to 10 people. But indoor social gatherings are still prohibited. Outdoor dining resumed, but is limited to four people per table, who are either members of the same household or two close contacts for those living alone. Physical distancing and other restrictions still apply.

Outdoor physical, performance and recreational activities are permitted for up to 10 distanced people.

Retail increases to 15 per cent of fire code occupancy. Personal and wellness services reopened by appointment only. 

Wedding ceremonies can have up to 10 people, but receptions are still prohibited. Funerals may have up to 20 people, not including staff or clergy. 

Stage 2

The second stage start two weeks after 60 per cent of Albertans over 12 have at least one dose of vaccine and hospitalizations reach below 500. Because these milestones were reached on May 28 and 27, respectively, stage two will start in mid-June.

At this step, outdoor social gatherings may increase to 20 people. Restaurants may seat tables of up to six people, including people from different households, both indoors and outdoors.

Retail capacity may increase to a third of occupancy. Other indoor settings, such as libraries and cinemas, may also open to one-third capacity. Personal and wellness services may restart walk-in services.

Places of worship increase to a third of fire code occupancy. Wedding ceremonies can include 20 attendees, with outdoor receptions permitted.

Gym and other indoor fitness, including classes, will open for solo and drop-in activities, but with three-metre distancing between people. The work-from-home order is lifted, but is still recommended.

Stage 3

The third stage will be enacted two weeks after 70 per cent of Albertans over 12 have at least one dose of the vaccine. It is expected stage three will be reached sometime in late June or early July.

At this point, all restrictions are lifted, including the ban on indoor social gatherings.