Springing forward

By Martin Shields Member of Parliament Bow River Riding

Spring is around the corner. That means warmer weather and the opportunity to begin participating in events and activities. We all want to go back to the way things were, whether it’s a day out at the golf course or an afternoon on a patio with friends. This has been a long, tiring year. Constant changes in restrictions, endless updates on numbers and cases, and no real federal plan for recovery has made life extremely difficult for everyone. Our communities need to be able to safely hold their events that are so crucial to their economy and culture.

We keep hearing about the “light at the end of the tunnel” from government officials during their press conferences. However, this light still seems so far away because of the confusion of this government. Our vaccine rollout has been erratic, and this is a major reason why we haven’t yet been able to return to normal. We keep hearing that vaccines will be available to “every Canadian that wants one” by the end of September. The provinces have been a target for the Liberals trying to pass the buck, but the provinces cannot administer vaccines if there are no vaccines to administer.

The issue I hear from constituents most recently is about the lockdowns. When are the lockdowns going to end? It’s a question we all have, including myself. Recently, our Shadow Minister for Health, Michelle Rempel-Garner, has pressured the government, asking for a plan to safely re-open and finally bring an end to these lockdowns. I understand the frustration my constituents have because I am frustrated as well. We need a concrete plan from this government to re-open in a manner that will ensure the safety of Canadians – but we cannot continue like this. 

My Conservative colleagues and I have been fiercely holding the Liberals to account on many fronts. One recent highlight of Conservative accomplishments includes a Conservative motion securing support for workers in the hospitality, tourism and charitable sectors in the next budget. That motion also requires the government to improve support programs for small businesses within 30 days to prevent a wave of bankruptcies and layoffs.  

We presented a bill to protect farmers and their livestock from trespassers and it has been approved at second reading and sent to committee. This is in addition to Conservative bills to exempt farm fuels from the carbon tax and make it more fair for farmers to pass their operation on to the next generation of their family. The Conservatives supported a bill to boost seniors benefits in which all parties voted in favour – with the exception of the Liberals; all of them voted against increasing seniors’ benefits.

I will be in the riding and hoping to meet with you all very soon. Please don’t hesitate to contact me on any federal issue.

(Martin Shields is the MP for Bow River Riding. He can be contacted by email at martin.shields@parl.gc.ca. Strathmore office 403-361-2980, Brooks office 403-793-6775)