Second, third readings for prohibited business bylaw postponed

By John Watson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Town of Strathmore voted to delay the second and third readings of a currently proposed bylaw that, if passed, would prohibit the local practise of conversion therapy.

Motioned by councillor Jason Montgomery, the delay was approved in order to give administration more time to include additional information to the bylaw, which would more clearly define its restrictions.

“I had asked for additional definitions of conversion therapy to be included for consideration, because I felt it was important for council to be able to compare what other organizations are using, so that we can ensure we are picking one that is effective and will have the least amount of unintended negative consequences as possible,” said Montgomery.

Town council originally directed administration to draft the bylaw on Feb. 5, 2020. Through the bylaw, the business practise of conversion therapy would be prohibited, and a fine would be introduced for those advertising or offering conversion therapy.

Following two rounds of collecting public feedback, administration was directed to prepare the bylaw by the end of January 2021. The bylaw was sent to council by the committee of the whole in April. 

Mayor Pat Fule said due to the sensitive nature of the bylaw, it’s something that needs to be properly considered before allowing it to move forward.

“It’s controversial and it hits people close to home,” he noted. “People have concerns and we want to do right by everybody, and we want to make sure that people’s rights are respected.”

The Town of Strathmore would be the tenth municipality in Alberta to pass a bylaw prohibiting conversion therapy. In drafting the bylaw, Fule said council looked to major municipalities such as Calgary and Edmonton, opting to follow their example.

“We’re trying to balance getting something done for Strathmore, but also ensuring that it’s a good bylaw for people involved. We want to make sure that it’s fair and that it’s a good, workable bylaw.”

Montgomery added he had heard through members of the community there were concerns regarding whether the bylaw would restrict the accessibility of support systems for individuals seeking guidance regarding sexual and gender identity, due to a fear of violating the bylaw.

“I have a series of amendments prepared that I will be introducing at the upcoming meeting,” he said. “I certainly support the idea of protecting the vulnerable from harm, and it is important to me that we get this right.”

Montgomery explained he does not believe the bylaw would have a dramatic impact on Strathmore residents, as there are no currently known local services offering conversion therapy. 

The bylaw will return to council on June 16 to receive second and potentially third reading.