Return of Parliament

By Martin Shields Member of Parliament Bow River Riding

Hello Bow River constituents! Parliament is soon to finally resume sitting and that means MPs are back in the House of Commons. I know that I have been tasked to represent you in a way that will bring prosperity, integrity and appreciation for Bow River riding and Alberta as a province. This election campaign was like no other before it, so please allow me to give a quick campaign recap.

First let me congratulate and thank those who put their names forward to candidate themselves in the general election. Running for public office is not an easy decision to make and it takes great sacrifice. I would also like to congratulate all those elected in the recent municipal elections across Alberta. I look forward to working closely with you in the future for the betterment of the Bow River riding.

When the ‘writ dropped’ on Aug. 15, it came to no one’s surprise. The media continued calling it a ‘snap election’ but Canadians across the country understood what was coming for quite some time. So, at the cost of over $600 million to the taxpayer, Trudeau began his quest for a majority government – spoiler alert – it failed. 

The campaign duration was the shortest legally permitted by law (36 days), which made getting out to meet and listen to constituents in such a short time frame a difficult but ultimately rewarding task. I was so fortunate to be able to meet so many of you to hear you out, to listen to your concerns, to heed your advice and ultimately to thank you for your continued support over the years. 

The Bow River riding is home to roughly 120,000 great Albertans across approximately 60 communities, ranging in size from cities like Chestermere and Brooks, towns like Strathmore and Taber, to villages and hamlets like Scandia, Arrowwood, Milo, or Lomond. Every single constituent in this riding has so much knowledge, potential and spirit and I am so grateful to call this area home.

That doesn’t mean we haven’t faced challenges, however. This year alone has been a difficult one for far too many. Continuous challenges with COVID both from a health perspective, as well as an economic one has made life a seemingly endless maze of confusion. Business owners have faced tremendous loss and even found it next to impossible finding employees thanks to the Liberal handout policy. I know that Albertans want to get back to work and earn a paycheque they can be proud of to provide for their families. Cost of living has been rising across the country, inflation is skyrocketing and the carbon tax is hitting Canadians right where it matters most – especially at the gas pumps and the grocery stores. This is unacceptable.

The Conservative caucus will do everything in its power to keep the Government from increasing taxes on the middle class and making life even more unaffordable than it already has become. 

Unfortunately, the election result did not go the way we had hoped. Thanks in large part to voters in the GTA who still believe in Justin Trudeau’s empty promises, we fell short of our goal. However, there were positives. Once again, we held the popular vote and we increased our vote share in both Ontario and Quebec. 

My immediate focus is to bring Albertan values to the table and ensure we have a real voice when we are up against the hundreds of MPs from Ontario and Quebec. I hear your concerns that Alberta needs a fair deal and my colleagues and I will work hard to ensure that happens.

Be sure to follow my social media to stay updated on Facebook @MartinShieldsBowRiver, Twitter @MartinBowRiver, and Instagram @MartinShields_BowRiver.

Should you have a question or concern of a federal matter, please email my office (