Meet the candidates – Election 2021 – Wheatland County and Villages

With the municipal election coming up on Oct. 18, we asked the Wheatland County, Rockyford and Standard municipal election candidates to included a bio and answer: why are you running for the upcoming election?

The Village of Hussar municipal election included three acclaimed seats and Wheatland County Divisions 2, 3 and 4 council seats were all acclaimed by incumbent councilors. 

Please remember to vote on Oct. 18, regardless of if your council member has been acclaimed, as ballots will also include the Senate Election, as well as two referendum questions:

• Should section 36(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982 – Parliament and the government of Canada’s commitment to the principle of making equalization payments – be removed from the constitution?

• Do you want Alberta to adopt year-round Daylight Saving Time, which is summer hours, eliminating the need to change our clocks twice a year?

Wheatland County – Division 1

Allen Grant MacLennan

Division 1 has many multi-generational landowners with large tracts of land, their resource, which they protect in their quest for revenue including agricultural, industrial or family businesses. 

At this time in my life I have the time to dedicate my extensive experience in law, economics, business and research to solving the problems we are all experiencing. I have campaigned for others over the years, and have come to the conclusion that if you want a job done right, do it yourself. 

Government trusts people with the responsibility to vote but not the responsibility for their own lives which must be controlled for them by big brother, “with ideas that are so good they must be implemented by force.” 

Here is a bit about me:

• Industrial Consultant and Industrial Real Estate Broker 

• Machinist & HD Mechanic – SAIT 

• 20 year resident living between Standard and Gleichen 

• Married 51 years with 12 Grandchildren 

• Grew up in Calgary – Crescent Heights, U of C, SAIT 

• Parents-Father from Alameda, Sask., Mother from Red Cliff/Medicine Hat 

• Subdivision & Building Design Specialist 

• Experience with planners, engineers and regional planning commissions 

• Returned to SAIT and U of C for three years for electronic communication studies 

• Experienced in all forms of media and has been a government film producer. Including Production of the Film Vision 2020 for Alberta Municipal Affairs, the purpose of which was to rejuvenate rural Alberta 

• Worked with Judge Albert Ludwig and Shaw Cable, for three years, producing a bi-weekly series on exposing government corruption and inadequacies, in conjunction with the Federation of Calgary Communities.

Janet Kanters-Schmorong

Wheatland County resident Janet Kanters-Shmorong is candidate for Wheatland County Council, Division 1. She has lived in the county for 15 years, and before that, Strathmore for eight years. She has also resided in southern Alberta, in northern Alberta and in B.C. Kanters-Shmorong has worked as a reporter for community and daily newspapers and as an agricultural journalist over the past 25 years. She is currently editor of New AG International magazine, and in the past, was writer and editor with Top Crop Manager magazine, Alberta Farmer Express, Alberta Seed Guide and Spud Smart publications. She also writes for The Western Producer, Canadian Cattlemen and Grainews.

Why are you running for the upcoming election?

“I am well-positioned to understand and act upon Wheatland County issues and initiatives, bringing to the table wide and varied experience from other communities where I’ve lived and worked. I’ve stayed up to date on local, provincial and agricultural matters and concerns via various media and through her far-reaching connections. I’m well aware that municipalities throughout the province are struggling in today’s economic climate, and I believe economic development and diversification are key to ensuring a robust county. I believe in transparency and objectivity when it comes to letting the public and constituents know the issues and challenges within a community and municipality. If elected, I will strive to create a welcoming and viable business environment within Wheatland County, all the while ensuring our healthy and sustainable agriculture industry remains strong.”

Shannon Laprise

I am running for Division 1 Wheatland County Councillor because my business background makes me the best candidate for the job.  Along with this experience, I have a bachelor’s degree from the University of Calgary, I have farmed alongside my husband for 17 years, I volunteer extensively in the community, and I have the right temperament for the job.  My various roles have taught me the importance of working collaboratively with a team, while respectfully questioning proposals or policies to ensure the group comes to the best decisions.

My career started with KPMG Management Consulting in Calgary where I worked with a variety of companies to improve business processes and reduce costs.  This means that I will always look for ways to be more efficient and keep costs within reason.  I then went on to work for Fortis Alberta as a Business Analyst, where I coordinated the modernization of the meter reading process as well as set up company-wide performance tracking. This experience means that I am an extremely detailed planner, am very adept at working with a team, have excellent communication skills, and am open and responsive to issue resolution.

Living, farming and raising children in Wheatland County is a privilege that has allowed me to learn a lot about country living and the importance of community.  I believe in the importance of attracting businesses to increase tax revenue, while keeping our agriculture industry strong and whole; keeping our towns and hamlets attractive and viable; and the power of our residents to improve our communities.

I am hardworking and accountable and promise to research the issues and consult with stakeholders wherever possible.  I am also approachable and responsive, and I welcome an inclusive and open relationship with the county’s citizens and neighbours.

I look forward to working with the very successful incumbent councillors and newly elected councillors to make common-sense decisions to build on the successes that our Wheatland County Council has achieved to date.

Erich Hoff

My name is Erich Hoff and I am running for Division 1 Councilor in Wheatland County. I’m a third generation farmer who has lived and worked in this area my entire life. I am a staunch 50 per cent to the right of centre conservative and always have been. I am married to an amazing woman, Tammy, and have two wonderful and entertaining adult children, Sarah and Simon.  I grew up in a very politically active family and have always been interested in government. I have served on various committees, groups and governing bodies.  I know many of you in this area personally and I look forward to meeting other that I may not have yet. 

Community Growth – In light of our current situation (COVID), I feel there is potential for an increase of people from larger cities to move to the country. I am looking to promote our small towns and attempt to generate growth within out communities in hopes of increasing amenities and overall sustainability.

Education – We have a new, state of the art school right within our division! I will work to guarantee that we continue to receive proper and adequate funding to provide our children with an education that will not only grant them success locally, but provincially, nationally and globally as well!

Health – As the population in rural areas continue to grow older I want to make sure that easily accessible and properly funded healthcare continues and even increases if possible. I do not want outside interference hindering our elders ability to access adequate healthcare. 

Responsible Development – Agriculture is an exciting industry to be involved in right now. I will attempt to promote East Wheatland County’s resources and agricultural products in hopes of generating better marketing opportunities while still focusing on responsible development. 

Roads – In regards to all of the above points, none of them would be worthwhile without well designed, built and properly maintained roads. As a huge portion of the county’s budget, I will see to it that we are getting our greatest value out of each road dollar spent. 

Wheatland County – Division 5

Scott Klassen

I’m Scott Klassen and I am seeking re-election as your Division 5 Wheatland County Councilor. I’d like to start by saying thank you to all of my constituents. It has truly been an honor to be able to serve the community I grew up in. I have consistently been able to gain the support of Council to tackle the hardest issues and achieve positive results.  I have been able to utilize my 15+ years of municipal experience into keeping the county affordable and sustainable without compromising service.  This is not the easiest role to have as you have to be able to find the balance of development and growth within the reality of quality of life and resistance to change, and this can be a difficult task to achieve.   

I have also been Deputy Reeve for three years, a board member to the Wheatland Regional Corp, CMRB land use and servicing committee, and Bow River Basin Council and others. At each opportunity I try to make the best decisions for this division by keeping in mind the heritage and innovation we have to offer.  

These last four years the county has seen many tragedy’s such as wildfires, blizzards, overland flooding, agricultural disaster due to drought, and COVID-19, and it has been a team effort of council and staff to have stability and be able to help those in need and continue to keep maintaining county infrastructure, I truly thank the dedicated staff that works hard to provide these services all while dealing with these same issues at their own home front.  

Please support me in re-election by voting for me on Oct. 18.

Brenda Knight

Born and raised in Division 5, my partner of 27 years, Boyd, and I own and operate various businesses and reside on a farm in Wheatland County. 

Recently, our community has changed, and finding solutions for infrastructure deficits, specifically water and wastewater, is needed.

Wheatland County has very distinct hamlets and even smaller named areas. A one size fits all approach may not work; however, treating everyone equally is expected.

Government is not here to profit, but cost recovery is the goal.   

My experience in public relations and my long history of community service combined with my knowledge of agriculture and business with a common-sense approach make me the right choice. 

Over the last several weeks, I have enjoyed meeting many of you and listening to your concerns, and I will be your voice on Council.  

Marking an X beside my name on Oct. 18 is a step in the right direction. I bring a fresh, balanced perspective with the conviction of doing the best job for Division 5 and all County residents. 

I am looking forward to the challenge of conducting the business of Wheatland County on behalf of Division 5 and all County residents and landowners.

Wheatland County – Division 6

Ginette Motta

My name is Ginette Motta and I am running for County Councillor for Division 6. I am very excited to represent my neighbors and friends in this new endeavor. Over the past decade I have done various volunteer and board positions. As my boys are now older, it’s now the perfect time in my life as I can dedicate the time and effort needed to be an effective counsellor and be a great representor for my constituents. I believe that everyone deserves for their voices to be heard and I won’t shy away from making sure that my Division is heard. I am here to represent them and ensure it benefits them. Ultimately that is who I am answerable to.

I have lived in the Strathmore area for more than 25 years and at our current location just off of Highway 21 for the last 20 years. I have been with my husband, Jeffery Stender for 27 years, we have two boys Grayson and Kelton. My family has been the most important aspect of my life. 

I grew up as the granddaughter of a rancher, who ranched northwest of Cochrane. I have been very involved with horses my whole life. I have post secondary education in Environmental Sciences specializing in Renewable Resource Management. 

 I have been very active in our community where I was on the Strathmore & District Minor Baseball board for eight years and I am currently the Lead Governor of U13 for the Central Alberta Hockey League (CAHL). I supervised 16 governors and the 17 of us look after 100 U13 teams that span half the province of Alberta for CAHL hockey.

I look forward to getting to know my community better and together with the other councillors I think we can make great things happen. 

Glenn Koester

I am Glenn Koester and I am running for another term as councillor for Division 6 in Wheatland County. I have been the councillor of Division 6 for the last 18 years. I have also lived in this division for all my life. Along with my wife Lois, my son Ian and his family we run a successful mixed farm three miles west of Rockyford. I have farmed for my entire life. 

Since 2003 I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience serving on council and most of the boards and committees of council.  I was Chair of the Agricultural Service Board from 2004 – 2011,  Reeve from 2011 – 2018,  Deputy Reeve 2019 and I am currently Chair of WADEMSA (ambulance) from 2007 till present and Chair of WHMB (Wheatland Lodge) from 2012 till present. 

I was a founding member of Wheatland Regional Cooperative (WRC) which was fundamentally responsible for securing regional potable water for the communities of Gleichen, Standard, Rockyford, Redland and Rosebud. 

Since about 2012 WHMB  (Wheatland Lodge) has been planning and is in the process of securing provincial funding to build a new lodge and hospice in the Town of Strathmore which will also service Wheatland County residents. I consider this an necessity due to the current need,  as well as the ever growing future demand. 

I consider work done on these boards to be an important part of council. 

I am experienced with more then 18 years on council, honest and committed. If elected I will continue to listen and understand the wants and needs of our ratepayers, ensure that everyone has the chance to voice their concerns and to be heard. I will endeavour to be trustworthy and be open minded.  Together we will make Wheatland County the greatest community in Alberta.  I have a sincere will to serve Wheatland County and it’s residents to the best of my ability. I will be fair, however, I realize that I can’t make everyone happy all the time. 

Rex Harwood

I come from a farming family with deep roots in history within wheatland county. My heart and a huge part of my life I owe to my rural roots and farming background. It gave me the tools to be able to perform the tough jobs and realize the value of a dollar.

I have been fortunate in the past to be a part of different groups and organizations and now watching my children follow in those steps with the proudest being 4-H horse and beef. Currently I have been a part of the Rockyford Lions club for about three years which is near and dear not only to me, but the many other families and organizations it has helped over the years and will continue to help many years into the future.

I received plenty of support to run again this term, and while my time away couldn’t have come at a better time for me personally, it is now time to return working for the residents of Wheatland County with a respectful attitude with a huge emphasis that Councillors, the CAO, and the staff individually and collectively work for YOU! I feel that focus and attitude needs to be at the forefront of any discussions or decisions that may be had in or out of council.

I have travelled through many different municipalities, while many have been fantastic many struggle to have the resources and infrastructure that Wheatland County sits on so we must find ways of maintaining that and keeping the County the great community that it is.

This election I ask for your trust and respect. I plan to build and maintain partnerships; community and show you the respect that is deserved.

Wheatland County – Division 7

Einar Davison

My name is Einar Davison and I’m running to become the next Wheatland County Councillor for Division 7.  I have over 20 years experience with board governance.  Recently I was the Secretary – Treasurer of the Hussar Rural Fire Association, I continue to be a director. I am currently a freelance analyst, strategist and project initiator.

I’m running because I would like to change the direction of Division 7 to renewal and growth. I want to stop exporting our young people to cities; as well I think many seniors would like to remain in their own communities.  We need to encourage adding value to what we produce here.  We need to better market Division 7 as a place to live, work, and raise a family.  We need to create the right environment that encourages small and medium businesses to start and grow here.  We need to find ways that encourage individuals and groups of people from Division 7 to want to start those businesses.  

As I went around Division 7, the people I met told me that they want their next Councillor to honestly listen to them, champion their aspirations, advocate for solving their problems. Help create development but not at any cost, ensure we protect the lands and waterways that we all cherish.  They want the same fairness across the county, where one community isn’t favoured over another. I want to be Division 7 Councillor and work on their behalf. I am looking for their support in electing me as their next Councillor on Oct. 18.

Rick Laursen

I have been connected to Wheatland County all my life and lived in the Duck Lake area for 40 years. I raised grain and cattle for over 20 years, worked in oil and gas from field locations to head offices. Because of this I have a good understanding of what these operations mean to Wheatland County.

In my career I have also been involved as a registered lobbyist working with both Federal and Provincial Governments. I know how to get things done in the political arena.

I have always been involved in the community. I was involved in the Wintering Hills Gas Co-op and hockey, and continue to be involved at Our Saviors Community Lutheran Church.


I believe that a Councillor should first and foremost be the representative of the constituents of the Division. If elected I will not represent my wants and needs but those of the residents. I will do this by in person consultation at residents’ homes and by holding at least annually a town hall style of meeting. 

There will be a meeting in Hussar and Dalum where residents can come and voice their approval or concerns with Division 7. The concerns will be prioritized and documented with a plan on how best to resolve the concerns. This will be taken forward to the County for resolution. Meetings after the inaugural one will have a progress report on how prior concerns are progressing or have been resolved.

Herb McLane

Thank you to Ben Armstrong for his many years of service to the residents of Division 7 and Wheatland County. I wish Ben and his wife, Terry, all the best as they proceed with the next chapter of your lives. 

I reside on a small property in the Hussar area. Through the years I have supported a number of local community activities including school, minor hockey and minor baseball, slow-pitch and 4-H. I am now blessed to be raising a delightful (Grade 6) daughter who attends Wheatland Crossing School. 

Raised into a mixed farming family, and following formal studies in agriculture with a primary focus in animal science, my career successes involved working with non-profit and for-profit agricultural organizations with a national and global reach. 

Throughout my career I have contributed to the development of sound agricultural policy and effective governance; also strategic planning, brand-development and event management, and more-recently, farm transition consultation. Outcome-focused, my work has included addressing animal health issues such as BSE management and livestock compensation, as well as market access for, and the promotion of, Canadian cattle genetics and meat. 

I’ve held several leadership positions including President of Canadian Western Agribition, the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Association, and also Chair of the International Committee for Calgary Stampede. 

The future for Division 7 citizens, and our neighbouring and local partners, requires collaboration amongst all stakeholders. As the largest geographical division in the county, road maintenance and construction is an ongoing priority for Division 7 residents. Further, paramount for county residents is the careful stewardship of ratepayer assets. The provision of services, notably broadband/internet, remains critical in supporting the education, farming and business sectors. 

I am a candidate for Councillor of Division 7, as I believe my experiences, skills, creativity and work ethic will benefit the residents of Division 7 and the county as a whole, and I actively seek the ideas, comments and support of Division 7 residents. 

Village of Rockyford

Charlotte Bencharski

My name is Charlotte Bencharski. I am excited and proud to throw my hat in the ring and officially announce my candidacy for Rockyford Town Council. 

I have lived in Rockyford for over 10 years with my husband, and we are proud to call this our home. I have always tried to stay engaged, and involved in the community. I funded the dog park in 2013, I am a big animal lover and I foster cats and dogs, and I have done a fair share of volunteering, and fundraising within the community.  

Although, this would be a new endeavor for me, I look forward to staying true to myself, and doing what’s best for the people who live here.  I never shy away from a challenge, and it will be a great privilege to serve our amazing community.  Since this is new for me, I’m not going to promise all sorts of things. However, I do promise to work within the best interests of the people in this great village, and I am ambitious to learn the ins and outs of how a small town operates.  

I care a lot about Rockyford, and the people in it, and I look forward to working together to make it an even better place to live, work, and play.

Darcy Burke

Hi, my name is Darcy Burke and I am running for re-election in the Rockyford municipal election.  I was raised on a farm outside of Rockyford and have been a resident for the past 26 years.  I am a community person and strongly support all fundraising and volunteering needs of the various clubs and organizations of Rockyford.  I am member of the Rockyford Lions Club and have served as a past 3rd generation president and currently as the treasurer. I am a past 4H Beef Club leader and a 25 year volunteer firefighter with the Rockyford Fire Department.  I enjoy curling with the Rockyford curling club in the winter while camping and fishing in the summer months. I will continue to work with council and be fiscally responsible with tax dollars.  I would like to continue the conversation of a possible walking trail on the abandoned CN rail line and move forward with a museum at Prairie Ridge Park to showcase our community history and pioneers.  I would like to be a part of the future development of the Prairie Ridge Park property and an Area Structure Plan.  I will continue promoting our community for expansion of business and residential growth and work with community groups and clubs as a municipal partnership when required.  The municipal infrastructure replacement plan must continue as funding becomes available with a creative and open mind to all options. I would continue to discuss with other community leaders the replacement of the Municipal Sustainability Initiative and future program funding.   I would like to continue being a part of the success of Wheatland Regional Corporation and will not stop being a very strong advocate for a change to the rural ambulance service that is plaguing our region currently. I have experience and knowledge to make the best decisions for an entire community, I will strive for balanced budgets, replace aging infrastructure and my responsibility is to the ratepayers of Rockyford.  With partnerships and dialogue we will build an even better community together that families and business can thrive.  I am “Community Committed.”

April Geeraert

My name is April Geeraert and I am running to be re-elected for the village of Rockyford Council. I moved to Rockyford from Regina Saskatchewan seven years ago when I met my husband Justin Geeraert and two years ago we had our first child. I have been an active member in the community since day one, I currently run the  concession at the Rockyford arena, going on six years now, I am chairperson for the hall board and library board, secretary for the curling club, treasurer for the RockyFord Rural fire association and a volunteer at every Bullarama, rodeo and other community events.  It was suggested to me four years ago that I run for council and I’m proud that I did. I learned alot and got to be a part of substantial village improvements in my first term.  Running in this election was an easy decision for me, I would like to continue learning as a councillor of the village, representing the residents and relaying their concerns and wishes, as well as working towards continuing to always improve and promote the village of Rockyford for what it is, an amazing family oriented community that is always there for you. It takes a village!

Bill Goodfellow

I moved to Rockyford in 2013 with my wife of 52 years to be closer to our daughter after retiring from a pulp mill in Prince George where I worked as a Power Engineer for 40 years.  

I was elected as a Councillor in Rockyford in a By-Election six years ago and by acclaimmation for the current term.  I have been involved with several community groups including Lions Club, Rockyford Friendship Club, Fire Hall and Community Hall Board since moving to Rockyford.  I have volunteered for many Casino Fundraisers not just in Rockyford but also for Drumhellar and Standard.  

I am running for the upcoming election because I have always been involved my whole working career in the issues that surround me and my family.  I understand the need for volunteers and am willing and happy to participate in shaping the lives and matters of living in todays world.  While Rockyford may be a small Village it well represents rural Alberta and the values that I hold personally.  When the Village celebrated it’s 100th Anniversary in 2019 it required two years of preparation while not by myself the celebration was totally successful which left the Village with several legacies to be enjoyed by the next generation.  These legacies represent a strong community spirit and activism to which I was very proud to be involved.  I believe that being a volunteer and a voice is essential and I wish all the candidates good luck.  To be a politician a person must bond his ideas and hopes with all others.

Tyler Henke

My name is Tyler Henke and I am honoured to be running as a candidate for Rockyford village council 

I was born and raised as the 4th generation on a farm just on the edge of town. I went to school, played hockey, as well as participated in the local 4-H multiclub in Rockyford. I couldn’t think of a better place to come back to when it came time to start a family of my own. 

I am supported by my wife Jodi and our two young children. We are proud to call Rockyford home. 

The reason I am running for a seat in council is to help give back to the community that raised me. My goal as a council member would be to continue to make this a town that embraces families of all shapes and sizes. A town where young people want to start their families, as well as one that people can feel comfortable to retire in. 

I look forward to representing our community in a positive and forward thinking manner. I believe I would be a great ambassador of our village to any commitees or groups I would be involved with. 

Thank you for your consideration, and most importantly, please vote!

Kathleen Morin

I chose to move to Rockyford because it felt like a caring community and everyone I met was welcoming. The location is perfect as it’s closer to my three children and two grandsons.

I love to plant seeds, whether they are plants, people or projects. I am a grounded, common sense kind of person who believes in family values and community. As an avid gardener, I choose to “bloom where I am planted’. So here I am, Kathleen Morin, running for Village Council. 

Why?  Simply to serve my community. I appreciate the hard work so many people have done to make Rockyford a great place to live.  I am motivated to give back and feel I can contribute something positive. 

How?  I bring a history of community volunteering and fundraising. I have always loved to be actively engaged helping my community. I bring experience and new perspectives from other areas having served as a town councilor as well as a facilitator for a variety of local and regional committees. I know I made a positive difference for the local people in those roles and trust I can do so again serving you in Rockyford.  

The world is changing all around us. We are all impacted. We have to meet the challenges together. I believe the first duty of a councilor is to be the voice of their people and to promote the welfare of their community. Councils primary role is to ensure services are provided to citizens. What services and at what level is determined by budget, legislation and locally developed policies. I want to hear your ideas and share my own. Together we can create stronger communities by working towards mutual goals, initiatives and priorities. 

Leah Smith

I have lived in Rockyford for 26 years.  My other half was born and raised in town, and so was his mother and family.

I have raised a son here and he is now raising my grandson here.  Rockyford is very important to us!

I work at the Strathmore Hospital as a nurse’s aide and have been there for the past 10 years; before that, I worked at a vet clinic.

What does Rockyford mean to me?  It’s a great place for families!  I have, over the years, volunteered for many functions and events, from sitting on boards to working fundraisers and casinos.

Out of town, I also volunteer for an animal rescue group (foster home) and the Strathmore overnight shelter.

I believe in promoting Rockyford.  Both in the idea of a small town feeling to raise your family and a security in knowing your neighbours.  I feel it’s a great place for young and old alike.

For growth – over the last few years, we have secured a stable water source and increased our capacity for storage of the effluent.  Now it’s time to see and promote some growth, both residential and business.

I want to continue with the plan of infrastructure upgrades – water, sewer, paved roads while also trying to keep taxes as low as fiscally possible.

I want to see Rockyford bloom!

Please re-elect me so I can see Rockyford continue on this path.

Village of Standard

Carol Allard 

My name is Carol Allard, I have put in my candidacy for council for the Village of Standard.

I am 59 years old, moved to Standard in 2015. I am a Canadian army Veteran. My work experience includes operating my own company Allard Transport for 20 years, Commercial Sales for the Rona stores in Calgary for three years and, Head of Security at Harry Hays Building for four years. I now operate Carol’s Bar from the Standard Curling Club. Since my arrival at Standard; I have volunteered with various groups. I am presently Vice President of the Lions Club and the Secretary of the Curling Club. I have worked and donated my time to the Memory Lane project.

Carol Allard Candidate for Council The Village of Standard.

Richard Bryan 

Unavailalbe for comment.

Larry Casey 

My name is Larry R Casey and I am a candidate in the upcoming civic election in the Village of Standard.  I have entered the arena because I believe Standard is a hidden gem in the heart of Wheatland County. The village must meet the challenges ahead to grow and prosper. I would like to assist in this endeavour.

Martin Gauthier 

I am 58 years old and my wife and I have lived and worked in the area of the Village of Standard for 25 years.  We have raised two boys in Standard. I have served on many boards and associations in Standard over these years.  I have been on council for two terms and have enjoyed seeing the change and progression of the Village in these two terms.  I am running again this term to continue helping the community improve, businesses thrive and make it an affordable, enjoyable Village for the residents to call home. 

Joe Pedersen 

Why am I running again, for Standard Village Council?

In these current uncertain and volatile times, the Village of Standard needs a Council, made up of people who understand and who will “look out”, for the interests and needs of our residents.

We have an obligation and a duty, to YOU, our neighbours, to ensure that we maintain and hopefully improve on our current level of infrastructure and services, provided to our residents, in the most cost effective way possible.

Your Council has worked hard on this and have worked within our budgets and have not had to increase taxation. We will continue to be, fiscally responsible and “work within our means”

As the Mayor, I am both pleased and proud of the direction our Village is going. We are working on an expansion of the Industrial Park and we have increased the size of the lots in the new Residential Subdivision, in an effort to attract new businesses and residents to the Village. We have supported our Community Groups, in developing and enhancing our recreational facilities, for the enjoyment of all. We have maintained the overall beauty and attractiveness of our community and will continue to do so, going forward.

This is my home and my roots are strongly planted here. I am proud of this community, of it’s past, it’s present and it’s future potential. This is a beautiful community, not only physically but in the hearts of the people who live here and who I am privileged to call my neighbours.

Adam Sommerfeldt 

I am Adam Sommerfeldt and I am seeking re-election for the Village of Standard. Since 2002 my family has called Standard home.  It is a great community; we have made many good memories here. I understand the challenge of making ends meet for a family on a single income. I know the struggle of having inadequate internet and the difficulties this places on families. I realize the cost of aging infrastructure, the value of community gathering spaces, and the need to have clear communication when dealing with the Village and its bylaws.

If elected I would like to focus on three projects this term.

1. Full review and update of the Village bylaws with open public consultation. Some of our current bylaws have not been updated since the 1980’s. While they have served their purpose, it is important to make sure that the rules that guide both the village and its residents meet our current needs. Meaningful input from residents is essential in this step. 

2. Explore securing affordable, reliable, and sustainable high speed internet to Village residents and businesses. Access to the internet is a necessity. As technologies and grants/federal funding is made available to improve rural internet access. I want to advocate for the Village to have a voice in how government funding is being utilized, and hold companies to the promises they make. 

3. Maintain a responsible balance between taxation and services. As provincial funding for municipalities and policing change, I want to make sure that we are able to maintain services at a manageable cost.

 I feel that serving as a Village Councillor is about giving service to meet the needs of the whole community. I have more service to give and hope to continue to bring my perspective to Council for the upcoming term.